11th note

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"Goodmorning everyone! My name is Kannaduki Iku!" the browned haired said through the mic "I'm Minaduki Rui" the boy beside him with a greenish hair said "We're from Procellarum and this is" iku/riku looked at his partner for signal "TsukiRadi! Let's staaart~" the two of them said

Today they are splitted into groups and Tenn was grouped to join Riku/ Iku and Rui in their radio broadcast and also to be a special guest (AN: Tenn was the only one wid no other members to join a group because he was supposedly paired wid riku)
Mitsuki and Momo was grouped with Arata and Aoi, Yuki and Yamato is with Shun and Kai,  Sougo and Ryuu is with Yoru and You, Iori and Tamaki is with Kakeru and Koi and lastly Gaku and Nagi with Hajime and Haru

"first off let me introduce to you our special guest foe today" Iku/riku said "He's named as the modern day angel and many people love him from all across japan" Rui described "He's the center of the very famous sexy group Trigger........Let's welcome Kujou Tenn-san!" Iku said cueing Tenn to join the convo "Thanks for having me Kannaduki-san, Minnaduki-san" He said

Meanwhile with the other youngest group who are playing in a mystery solving game...
"Leave this to me! I maybe cute but my mind is full of grey cells! Detective Koikku!" Koi said wearing an oversized bow in his collar "just when did a person had a grey cell....." Iori deadpanned "and what's with the name?...." Iori continued

"Iorin! Since Iku's not here you'll be my assistant! Your name is now IoIo!" He said pointing at iori "I'm fine assisting you but......What the heck is that name?also my nae is not Iorin as Yotsuba-san said it's Iori" Iori argued "cute though" he murmured "He said he likes that name anyway!" Tamaki said "huh? I never said thay I did!" Iori said blushing slightly "I'm your interpreter Iorin" Tamaki said "Huh!? How!?" Iori asked "trust me I know you well" Tamaki said and grinned "Y-yotsuba-san!" Iori blushed harder

"uwaah....he's blushing" Kakeru said amazed "Anyways let'staaart!!!" Koi signaled

With Gaku and Nagi's group
Haru and Hajime have a mag shoot and gaku and Nagi joined too
"Yaotome-san! Move closer and touch Hajime-san's chin" the director said and Gaku did what he said "Perfect!" the director said and a flashes of the camera surrounded the 2 taking different angles and shots "WOW! they're so sexy together! As expected of Yaotome-shi and Mutsuki-shi" Nagi said with his usual tone "You're pretty handsome too when I first saw you I was amazed by your face" Haru said "Haru-san! Rokuya-san! You can join them now!" the director said and they joined the other 2 making sexy poses

With yuki and yamato

"why am I even grouped with you" yamato said adjusting his glasses and tickmarks appeared "because we are destined to" yuki grinned "why not be a good kouhai and make a tea for me" he said sitting on the sofa they're in their shared room with procella's shun and kai. They just finished their short drama "Kai~ I want to drink black tea please" shun said sitting like a sassy king  beside yuki "Hai Hai" Kai said humming as he made shun's tea "You're actually doing it..." he sighed "now why don't you make one for me too? I'd really appreciate it" yuki said

Yamato made his tea bitter then gave it to his senpai. When yuki got a sip he immediately coughed because of the tea's bitterness "oww...is it to bitter? I'm sorry" yamato said giving a fake concerned look "Nah i'm fine....you're not used in making this are you? So cute. Want me to teach you how?" yuki said "no thanks" yamato adjusted his glasses Kai chuckled and shun just enjoyed his tea

With Momo and mitsuki

They're on a variety show with arata and aoi
They are asked to participate in a mission game where they must gather all the clues to find aoi who's playing as the prince and bring him back to arata who's playing as his brother and also a prince
"So we're the knights?" mitsuki asked "Yes you must find prince Aoi quickly before the witch finds him and give him a curse" arata said "You can count on is your highness!" momo said and the act continued and they sang some songs

With sougo and ryuu

They're on yoru and you's show where they have to cook "I'll make my special curry! You should taste it Osaka-san, Tsunashi-san!" You said proudly "Ahahaha i bet it's delicious.....maybe I'll cook okinawan dish since that's my specialty" Ryuu said "Mitsuki-san is the one who cooks our food in the dorms so I'm not that confident in my cooking but i'll try making something delicious!" sougo said "ahahaha that's the spirit! Well then let's start shall we?" Yoru said and they began cooking

"wah....it's all red.....what the heck did you do?" You asked looking at sougo's pot "it's okay though I think" sougo said as he tasted his dish "B-but still" Yoru said sweatdropping "A-ah! Tsunashi-san it smells good!" You said reverting the conversation from sougo's dish to ryuu "ahahaha thanks! I hope you'll like it!" ryuu said

When all of them finished cooking they tasted each other's dish You almost screamed from sougo's ultra spicy dish "A-are y-you okay Haduki-san?!"sougo asked almost panicking "is it too spicy? I'm pretty sure it's just fine...." sougo said "A-ah Ousaka-san, He does'nt like spicy food that much!" Yoru said "I-it's that so?" sougo asked "Y-yeah so don't worry!" Yoru said "N-now why don't we taste Haduki-kun's dish...Woah it's delicious!" Ryu said tasting You's curry "Nagatsuka-san's dish is delicious too!" Sougo said tasting Yoru's dish

All went well after that except that You almost passed out because of spicyness

-back to Riku/iku-
The recording just finished and the 3 of them took a pic together to post on sns later after that they gave exited the studio to wait for Dai to pick them up "Ikkun I'm hungryy" Rui said tugging at iku's sleeves "let's wait till Dai-san arrives ok?" Iku said as he smiled "Uhn!" Rui replied "Kannaduki-san....may I ask you something?" Tenn asked "What is it Kujou-san?" Iku said not even stuttering when mantioning his name "why did you came back as nanase  and joined I7?and how can you do things like you're a healthy child?" Tenn asked "first of all I left Kannaduki Household because Iku's mission there is done also....you're asking why do I look like I don't have any sickness at all is because Kannaduki Iku is a healthy child.....completely different from your weak little brother that you left" he said

Tenn was hurt by what  his brother said "I see...." He said "but don't be guilty Riku knows the reason why you left" He said tenn's eyes widened 'how!? Did his parents told him? Or did that man told him? He wants to ask more questions but a car arrived infront of them "Let's go ikkun" Rui said pulling riku/iku "Kujou-san let's go shall we?" iku smiled "sure" Tenn said 'I'm sorry for being a pathetic brother riku but I'll get things right this time' tenn said in his mind


Whew maade ittt agaaainnn

Thanks for always reading this as usual xddd

Finally it's summer breaaaakkkk
*waves to my books and gadgets*

Regarding to that vocaloid fic that I mentioned
Maybe I could publish it tomorrow

Wish meh lucc

See you next week guys! Thanks for the votes and comments!

(since I started writing this chapter  on tamaki's bday the names of the first 4 who comments "Ousama Pudding"  will be placed in the board that tamaki's holding)

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