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Crowley sat on a tree stump, hidden in the shadows. Though the others clearly didn't know it, he was bone-tired. Exhausted. He also had a bit of a gash on his side, but he'd bandaged and cleaned it. He smiled slightly, watching as the Corps ran about, worrying.

Crowley perked up, hear-no, feeling Halt's familiar tread. Turning ever so slightly, he nodded towards Halt. Or his cloak, anyway.

"What are you doing here?" Halt asked bluntly. Seeing Crowley, the rangers stopped worrying and went back to their normal duties, embarrassed.

Crowley shrugged, forcing a smile onto his face. "Watching the scenery." he said easily. He grinned when he saw Egon scolding his poor apprentice.

I'm basically the mom to 50 trained, deadly, coffee-loving spies who are loyal to the King, he thought in amusement.

"You're tired." Halt said bluntly, taking in the forced smile, slight shadows, and cloak seeming bigger than usual. 

Crowley nodded. "That I am." he said. "But somebody needs to take care of all these headless chickens." He gestured towards the Rangers.

Halt rolled his eyes. "And fall asleep in the middle of doing so? You're going to bed."

Crowley raised a brow at Halt. "Because?"

"You need to conserve your health." Halt said firmly. Right away, he knew it was useless dragging Crowley across the camp. Halt could see the slight tension in Crowley's muscles, and, tired or not, Crowley was still dangerous. Even so, he was seriously considering slinging Crowley across his shoulders and dumping him into a bedroll.

Crowley sighed. "I'm just the Commandant." he said wryly. "You can handle it." He slipped soundlessly off the stump and relaxed against a tree, closing his eyes.

Halt stared at Crowley, confused. "I beg your pardon?" he asked. "Did you really say, 'I'm just the Commandant?'"

Crowley opened his eyes and fixed his gaze on Halt. "Unless my ten-second memory does me wrong, I believe I did." he said, shrugging. Then he closed his eyes.

Halt sighed soundlessly. "You're Commandant. Which means you're r-"

"Responsible?" Crowley said tiredly, cutting him off. "Really, Halt. You all have big missions and criminals and bandits and everything. I have paper thieves and reports. And for what? Getting to boss all of you around? Sometimes, I wish you didn't force me to be leader." Crowley shifted slightly and stared at Halt. 

Halt examined Crowley's worn-out face. It was emotionless and his normally bright hazel eyes were dull and stony. 

"Sleep." Halt said firmly. "Now."

Crowley groaned. "If I must." he muttered. "Look after all the Corps, mkay?" 

And then the redhead vanished amongst the shadows. Minutes later, a shadow slipped inside Crowley's tent.

Halt reflected on what Crowley had said. Did his best friend really feel that way? Useless?

Halt sighed. Crowley could really be an idiot sometimes. After all, everyone in the Corps was important. 

Nothing would change that.

This goes in honour to all the people who feel worthless and stupid. Trust me; you're not. People care. If anyone ever needs a hand, I'll help. Don't give up and continue fighting.  

To be a CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now