Chapter 1

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Venus's POV

46 days. It had already been 46 days since the bunker doors were closed and Praimfaya hit. The days would have gone by slower, had it not been for my little Lena Vera. She seemed to be growing every day before my very eyes. Almost seven weeks old now, and I already feared the day when I could no longer hold her in my arms.

Little Liv had become the entirety of my life. I spent every moment I could with my little one, not ever letting her out of my sight. Occasionally I would give her up to Apollon, but most days – like this one – I was the one with her in my arms as we sat in the mess hall, eating our meager rations.

Rations got cut down again; we were down to barely one ladle full of stew. I began to worry if this would be enough to feed both me and my growing daughter. Since the day she came into this world and I first laid eyes on her, I knew that everything I did would be for her. I knew that I would only be happy if my little girl was safe.

I sat at one of the many tables, my tray in front of me and Apollon to my side. Those around us cooed at Liv in my arms, especially when she took hold of my fork and refused to let go – or at least, not without a crying fit. Her little wide set eyes watched as people walked by, and occasionally one stopped and got a smile out of her. I loved those little smiles. What I didn't love was the small scar on her forehead. When the gas made everyone pass out 46 days ago, I wasn't able to protect her, and she rolled into the ceramic remains of a shattered bowl. One found its way into her forehead. The cut hadn't been deep, but the mark of it still remained, reminding me of that dreadful day every time I looked at it.

"If we got each other, we'll survive this too." Miller and Jackson sat across from us, Abby on the other side of me. I was happy for Jackson, he really seemed to have found love. "See you after my shift?"

Next to me, Apollon began to stand up. "I should get going too." Carefully, he scooped Liv out of my arms and held her in front of him. I watched as he whispered endearments to her and gave her tiny tummy a raspberry. She squealed in delight and those little chubby legs of hers kicked in the air. Apollon handed her back down to me and kissed my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." I watched him walk to the door of the mess hall, stopping before it and glancing back at us. I grabbed Liv's little arm and waved at him – her other one was busy in her mouth as her toothless gums gnawed at her fingers.

After Apollon walked out the door, I tuned back to the conversation between Abby and Jackson. "Marcus said you had another headache." Jackson was leaning over his half of the table, but made no attempt to soften his voice. "I thought they were supposed to stop after the ice bath."

"They will," Abby took a sip of her water and swallowed one of her pills. "But in the meantime, I would really appreciate it if you didn't discuss my condition with Marcus." I was worried about Abby. Ever since the doors to the bunkers closed and we woke up inside, she was...different. And on top of it all, she didn't seem to be speaking with my father anymore. I could see this starting to chip away at my father, who I knew cared deeply for Abby.

I glanced over at the table where my father was sitting. I often found myself splitting my time between the two of them. Abby was always like a mother to me, and although one was my actual parent and one was not, I still hated feeling like I had to choose between them.

Across the mess hall a tray clattered on the concrete floor. All eyes in the room quickly looked over to see a body jerking around – I recognized her as Kara Cooper from farm station. She was in charge of the hydro farm down here in the bunker. I held Liv close to me, but made no move to get up as I watched. Abby and Jackson were the first ones over to her. Abby had talked to me about coming back to medical, but I still wasn't so sure.

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