Chapter 13 - Part 2

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Venus's POV

The slight sway of the ship under my feet had a strange feeling of home to it. After almost seven years on the ground, I never thought I'd see space again. Did I miss it? I wasn't so sure. Earth was beautiful, alive, but it was also dangerous – Grounders, Mount Weather, radiation. A lot had changed during our time on the ground. But, at the same time, a lot hadn't. Last time we were in space seven years ago, my father and I were barely speaking. As I looked down at him, eyes closed, tube down his throat, medication keeping him asleep, I couldn't imagine we'd be talking much this time either.

Abby couldn't save him. It was the first time Abby wasn't able to save someone. She pulled a bullet out of Jaha and he lived, she took a bullet out from next to Raven's spine and she lived, but whatever happened to my father in that village, the result was worse than a simple bullet.

"I'll find a way to save him, Venus. I promise." I nodded, but remained silent. I thought of all those times I had pushed him away: when I was dating John Murphy, when he wouldn't eat the meat years ago... I wish I could take all those times back, just suck up my pride and talk to him. He was so close to death, with no way of saving him in sight.

"Apollon told Octavia..." I whispered to Abby, still standing at my side.

"Told her about what?"

"My second pregnancy... Octavia told me she knew. He said he didn't do it, but who else could have told her? He was the only one who knew."

"It wasn't Apollon." I felt Abby's hand on my shoulder, and I turned to face her. "Venus, I told Octavia about your second pregnancy." I felt my jaw drop. How could she tell her, knowing Octavia could throw me in the pits for it? Before I could interject, Abby continued. "I was hoping she'd let you have the baby, make an exception to the rules."

I shook my head. "Octavia took after my father in how she led." I looked back down at my father, taking his hand in mine as I felt a tear form at the edge of my eye. "He never made any exceptions..."

Abby left the two of us alone, me and my father. His chest slowly and rhythmically rising and falling was the only sign of life coming from him. What if he never woke up? After we first reached the ground, I had been convinced that when the Grounders took him, he was dead. I remember how alone I felt without him. I didn't want to feel that way ever again. But then again, if he died now I'd still have Liv with me. And Apollon...

"I'm sorry." I heard Apollon say behind me. "I'll come back later."

"No, stay." A few seconds passed, and I thought Apollon had left anyway. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw him come up and stand next to me. We both silently watched my father for a few minutes before either of us spoke.

"I'm sorry-" We both tried to say at the same time, turning our heads to look at each other as we said it.

"You go first." I insisted.

"I'm sorry about your father. Kane's a good man."

I nodded and looked back down at my father. He had let his hair and beard grow out for so long, I could just barely remember what he looked like clean shaven and hair cut – the way he looked back on the Ark.

"I'm sorry I blamed you for telling Octavia about my pregnancy." I said. "Abby told me it was her."

"Venus." He placed his hand on my shoulder and made me turn to face him. "I'm sorry about what happened, I should never have-"


"But Venus-"

"No. You're not the one who needs to apologize." I felt the tears begin to collect in my eyes as I remembered that day...

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