Chapter 10

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Venus's POV

I sat in my cell, back against the wall and knees pulled up close to my chest. The fight was happening after all. Soon I'd be facing Indra, Gaia, and Bellamy, all trained in combat and experienced killers. Killers. Murderers. I knew nothing of fighting. Maybe I should've taken the time to learn a bit while we were in the Bunker...

So many questions raced through my mind as I sat there alone, hour after hour. Could I really kill one of them when it came down to it? Would Liv be watching? Apollon had always pushed that she needed to watch the fights, would he insist that she needed to watch this one too, or would he have enough sense to keep her away? What would happen to Liv after I'm gone? Would Apollon really stay away from her? That, I wasn't so sure about.

Before more questions could find their way into my mind, the door to my cell opened. My heart instantly began to race – this was it. I'd be led to the arena, the fighting would start, and... The door closed again, and only one figure had walked through. I looked at him; he was the only Grounder I didn't hate.

"Gunther..." I slowly stood up as he walked over to me. He pulled me into a hug, and we stood like that for a long while before he let go.

"You have to win." He said

I shook my head. "I can't."

"You can."

"No, I can't! Indra and Gaia are Grounders, trained to kill. And Bellamy-"

"None of them have as much a reason to survive as you do. Indra's daughter will be in there with her – she won't kill her. Gaia's commander has run away. And Bellamy's sister is the reason he's in there. You have Liv."

I shook my head again. "Having a reason to win is enough to make me win."

"You're right." Gunther nodded. "That's why I came. You need a strategy – a way to win. When you first get in there, they'll be weapons attached to the cage fences. Take note of which one is closest to you and grab that one first. Indra will-"

"Stop!" I tried to blink back the tears forming in my eyes. "Gunther don't you get it? I can't do it!" Silence filled the small cell as Gunther stared at me, not saying a word. I went on. "I've never killed anyone before, now you're asking me to kill three people?"

Now it was Gunther's turn to shake his head. "No, not three. Just one." A look of confusion came across my face before he continued. "You've never killed anyone before, and that will be your advantage. None of them are going to think of you as a threat, they'll all go after each other first. So just stay of to the side, and-"

"And wait to fight the strongest of the three?" I scoffed. "Great plan."

"It is. Look, whoever is left will be tired. You won't, you'll have all your energy."

"And if they come after me first?"

Just then, the door opened. A guard stood in the doorway and called for Gunther to leave. Gunther turned and began to walk for the door, but there was something I wanted to tell him. What was it again? Why was I forgetting right when I needed to remember it. Then, just as he walked through the door and it was starting to be pulled shut I remembered.

"Watch after Liv for me!"


Gunther's POV

I walked through the corridors of the bunker alone, thinking. I knew Venus wouldn't fight – it just wasn't in her. But if I somehow was able to convince her to at least try, then maybe – just maybe – she'd have a chance.

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