Chapter 11

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Venus's POV

I hadn't realized how much Earth had changed until we walked through the desert. There was nothing but sand for miles around, and each time we topped a hill, my heart dropped at the sight of nothing but more sand ahead of us. With each day, Liv and I's packs got lighter and lighter as our rations got used. I began to wonder what would happen if we ran out of food before we were able to get more from the valley. We had enough rations to get us there, but what about to get us through the upcoming war? With the threat of no food looming, I wondered if we'd go back to our ways from the dark years...


Venus's POV, 2 years after Praimfaya

Little Liv bounced in my arms; ever since she had learned to run that was all she wanted to do – even if her run was more of a quick two or three steps before falling. I was already missing the days when she could do nothing but let us hold her. Soon she'd grow big enough that picking her up wouldn't be an option anymore.

Liv continued to twist and turn in my arms, adamant about being put down. But it was nearly mealtime, and we were already running late to the mess hall. Apollon would be waiting for us there. When Liv realized I wasn't going to be putting her down anytime soon, she began to wail.

"Shh Liv, shh. It's alright." I patted her head, rocked her side to side, but none of it seemed to do anything.

"Mind if I try?" I looked to my side, Gunther had walked up. He held his arms out for Liv and I gladly gave her to him. "Hi there, princess. Gunther's got something for you." Liv continued to cry as loud as her strong little lungs would let her, ignoring Gunther's words. It was only when Gunther pulled a small, blue, shiny button from his pocket did she stop to admire it.

"Gunther, no." I reached out to grab the button from him, but he held it away and out of my reach.

"It's okay."

"She could choke on it!"

"My little Liv knows not to eat it." Gunther cooed at Liv and handed her the button. For a few seconds, she admired the button in her hand, completely enthralled in it. But then she proved Gunther wrong and began to move the button towards her mouth. I quickly snatched it from her before she could cause the simple button to become a fatal danger.

Liv looked at me, strong determination in her eyes. A normal two-year-old would have cried. But, of course, not mine. She sat in Gunther's arms with a pout on her face – although she did look cute like that. "No!" She said. I sighed as Gunther and I began to walk towards the mess hall again. 'No'. That was her first word, 'no'. Not 'mama' or 'dada', just 'no'. Of course she knew more words now, but 'no' seemed to remain her favorite.

Liv kept the sour look on her face until we neared the mess hall. Just outside the door, there was Apollon waiting for us. Tall, strong, handsome. Liv began to bounce in Gunther's arms. "Dada!" She squealed. Apollon took the bouncing toddler, and she quickly clung to him. Apollon was able to work it out with the other guard members so that he could have mealtimes off.

Gunther walked by us and into the mess hall. When I went to follow him, Apollon grabbed my arm to stop me. He pulled me aside, away from the crowd, and spoke in a low voice. "Venus, before you go in there, there's something you should know."

"Is everything alright?"

He thought for a second, and then continued without answering my question. "The hydrofarm, it – Can you take her? She's squirming around."

"Well she is two. She's going to be 'squirming around' for the rest of her life." I took Liv from him and held her. "You were saying?"

"The hydrofarm's soy plants have stopped producing."

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