Chapter 8

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Venus's POV

"We know that there are three entry points to the valley." Octavia began the strategy meeting. Only a few were present, including some higher up members of the guard, Madi, Octavia, and Cooper and myself to explain the worms and the plan to release them. Of course Apollon was there as well. I made a conscious effort not to look at him. "While Cooper, Venus, Madi, and I soften the battlefield, Miller will lead the first battalion through the southern tributary."

"If I may, Blodreina." I used Octavia's title. As much as I despised the Grounder name, I knew the use of it had a way of flattering Octavia. "With Dr. Griffin gone, we only have two doctors left."

"Jackson and yourself, what of it?" Her response was harsh and cold, just like the person she had become.

"As you said before, this is a war. Wars come with many casualties and injuries. I feel I might be of better help away from enemy lines, and helping Jackson tend to any wounded as they come in."

The room was silent for a moment as Octavia thought my suggestion over. "The worms will soften the battlefield. I don't see us taking many casualties. You will be helping with the release of the worms."

My heart dropped. I did my part in researching the worms, with protective suits and bio-containment units. I didn't want to be anywhere near the worms when they were released into the world. More importantly, Apollon would surely be marching with the army, leaving Liv all alone here in Polis. I wanted to stay behind and stay by her – and coincidentally also stay away from Apollon in the process. None of that seemed like an option now.

"Cooper," Octavia continued, "the floor is yours."

Coopers stepped forward and addressed the room. "Worms are thermoreceptors. That means they sense body heat. With Madi's knowledge of the woods, we'll get as close to the village as we can and release them here, here, and here." She pointed to different points on the map on the table in front of her, ending with a taller building with a 't' on top.


Kane's POV

I never seemed to grow tired of the outdoors. After a lifetime on the Ark, it felt like we only got a few days outside before having to go below ground in the Bunker for six years. I had found a fallen tree to lean against in the open land outside the village, as I looked out at the land before me. At first, I saw the flowers and tall grass coming out of the pale dirt, with mountains rising up in the distance. Then I began to imagine what settlement we could build here, for everyone – for Venus and Liv. I had become so enwrapped in imagining this possible new life, I almost didn't notice Diyoza walking up behind me. She came and leaned against the tree next to me.

"I've been fighting the abuse of power my whole life, Kane." She began. "I'm no dictator. I want to see an end to the violence just as badly as you."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her words. "Yet those weren't exactly civil engineering plans I saw in your notebook, were they?" I could see the pages of the notebook in my mind. "Page after page of battle strategies."

"Defense strategies. I'm not preparing for war. I'm planning for peace, there's a difference."

"Maybe so, but until you recognize that we're all just people, all this will ever be is a battlefield." I could still see my vision of a happy, peaceful settlement on the land before me, but couldn't help but feel that terrible tug in my heart that told me it would never be. Venus and I would never get back what we briefly had before the Bunker, and I might never see my beautiful granddaughter again.

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