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Everything was ready. I had figured almost everything out and I was more than ready to see him again. To be held in his arms after so long now. Who knew that three months would mean so little now? I laughed to myself thinking about the days previous, when I first got that text it was like everything fell into perspective.


"Magnus can you help me out please? You have magic!" 

"I also still only have two hands, I can't carry that many boxes at once." Magnus defended and Jace just mumbled a simple 'bullshit' beneath his breath. "C'mon Mags he's gonna be here in two days and I need this to all be perfect." 

"You know-" Alec stopped mid sentence to place his boxes down at his feet, "He could've just moved into the apartment with you and us. You didn't need to go out and buy a whole new apartment." 

"Loft." I corrected him and watched as Jace and Magnus laughed as Alec simply rolled his eyes, "And I think you're forgetting that you two," I gestured to him and Magnus, "will be married soon, and I'm a grown adult that needs her own place." 

"Physically an adult maybe, the commonsense is still questionable." Jace said as he joined Alec in dropping his boxes to the ground. I glared as sharply as my daggers at them until they picked them back up. Magnus, who had now decided to use his magic, snapped his fingers. In a blink the whole loft was furnished and decorated to perfection, now all it needed was Trey. 

"Why now though Jord? You and Trey haven't spoken face to face since everything, don't you want to make sure you're definitely okay before moving in with him?" Jace questioned and I sent him a condescending grin, "We need to talk. We both know that, but we also both have been talking about me moving in with him on the phone since we first talked after he left. And if he wants to stay at the Institute then I still have a sweet place to live in. And to raise my daughter." I smiled as I looked down at my glamoured bump, I could still feel her there. 

"Daughter?" Alec asked as both his and Magnus' eyes peaked with glee. 

"It's just a feeling, call me crazy if you want it wouldn't be the worst thing I've been called in my life." 

"Of course." Magnus chimed in, "Who could forget Blondie?" he said and both he and I started laughing before Jace's confusion interrupted, "I thought I was Blondie?" 

"Awww is little Jacey jealous?" Alec and I teased, resulting in numerous pillows being thrown in our direction, "Of course I'm not jealous. I hated that name." he retorted. 

"Mhm." I teased again and watched his annoyance as if it were a form of entertaiment, it totally was. "You know," Jace started, "I thought it was annoying when I had two siblings to insult me, now I have three and I'm pretty sure you're the two of them combined." he said and I bowed as if to congratulate myself, Jace rolled his eyes. 

"It's good seeing you like this J," Izzy said as she entered the living room holding several boxes of pizza, "Ever since Chase went off the radar you've been so paranoid, just trust that when he shows up again we'll deal with him. Okay?" she asked in concern and I smiled. "I know that, I would've already dealt with him if it weren't for my current situation. But for now... pizza." I said as I grabbed the top box from the pile. 

We spent the next day fixing up the glamour to ensure it wouldn't break whilst in Trey's prescence, and I planned to tell him after we'd sorted out everything we needed to talk about. I wanted to know where we stood before I caused him more guilt. 

If I knew Trey Crossfire well, which I most certainly do, I knew that he'd feel guilty for not being there. The same reason I never told him over our late night phone calls. I don't want him to feel any additional pain or uncertainty and I definitely don't want him to blame himself. I wouldn't have that. So I just need to wait until the right time, hopefully soon.

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