Take Two

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I've been pacing back and forth in my room for the past half hour without stopping. Alec dragged me in from the rain after nearly an hour of waiting for Trey to turn around, to just take a second and realise how stupid he was being. Nothing. Alec dragged me inside half an hour ago and I've been pacing ever since. Back and forth. Without a moment of pause. This couldn't be happening to me. I'm pregnant, and now alone to raise a baby. 

This couldn't be happening to me. Not now. 

I never really planned on having kids. I guess growing up alone on foreign soil for so long does that to a person. I never wanted to be relied on by others because I never relied enough on myself to hold my own life together. I guess a part of me was always in denial, back then I presumed my parents didn't want me, what kind of family would a child from my non existent bloodline really have? 

Things are different now. I have a twin brother and his parabatai, as well as a younger sister, who I would die for. I'd give anything up for them. I have found my family that, after so long, I finally feel like I belong with. I have no doubt that my son or daughter would have a great family, even Trey's family are some of the most amazing souls I have ever met. But what kind of life would they have without their father, how would I raise a baby without Trey? 

I finally stopped pacing after the buzzing in my head from the millions of questions rattling inside caused me to want to pass out. Alec seemed to have appeared in my room, with Magnus tailing behind apprehensively. He gave me a knowing look and I nodded his way before Alec came to join me on the bed. "You feeling any better?" He asked and I looked up to meet his eyes. They glowed of uncertainty and worry, I hated myself for making him feel that way, I decided to suck it up and tell him the truth. No hesitation. 

"Alec," I started, pausing exactly as I had silently promised myself not to, he watched me intently and as I watched Magnus he was just as hesitant as myself. Neither of us could predict my brother's reaction. Realising that I had fallen quiet, Alec spoke, "Jordan what is it?"

"I'm pregnant." muttered under my breath, so quiet that no one would hear besides my own ears. Alec was confused and I wanted to face palm so hard that I'd slap my own face, Magnus gave me a calming smile and I said it again, "I'm pregnant, Alec." 


My mind was cautiously preparing for the worst. Packing my bags, finding a place to stay, I was figuring out every detail in my head as I watched my brother freeze. I didn't know what to do. Magnus had backed up slightly and was heading towards the liquor cabinet, I guess he thought a martini would bring my brother back to a responsive version of himself. I tried to speak but the words trapped themselves behind my tongue and I couldn't form a coherant sentence. I slowly began to move away from Alec and out of the room when I was stopped. 

I opened my stunned eyes to find my brother's arms locked around me, preventing me from moving. He was hugging me. He didn't seem angry or mad at me in any way and I was so grateful. He finally managed to generate a sentence after he hesitantly released me from his grip, "Did..did he know?" 

I still couldn't speak, instead I shook my head gently and begged the words in my throat to make an appearance. Luckily for me they eventually did. "I didn't want the reason he stayed to be because of this," I said gesturing to my stomach, "I thought that maybe he'd stay for me." 

"He didn't break up with you Jordyn." 

"Then what exactly did he do? Because leaving me behind in the rain without even looking back doesn't exactly classify as loving someone does it?" I say more harshly than intende but not regretting a single word. The poison around what happened leaking out of my lips so effortlessly it was as though I'd had a personality transplant. Alec looked slightly surprised but not at all argumentative with what I had said, he knows I'm telling the truth. 

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