Unwanted Blood

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The entire way there was full of briefing and preparation. We were going to evaluate the demonic activity in an old storage warehouse in the East Village, we weren't to enter the building alone at any time as it has been known in the past to house cultists messing with the wrong kind of demons, or just mundanes that find themselves at the wrong place at the wrong time. The idea of common sense isn't as common as one would expect. 

Alec ordered that Trey and I would be partnered alongside him and Jace as Clary and Izzy will scope out the area and guard the perimeter. If this situation had accommodated me a year ago I'd have complained about fighting alongside Trey, he's not the sort of guy the old me would like too much. Not that I even like him now if I'm being one hundred per cent honest. I was just happy to be on the field, I almost forgot what it felt like. 

Paris was always full of opportunity, and I'd no doubt be the first in line to request going on a mission, but after the incident, I was suddenly never first to be picked anymore. Or ever, if that sounds fair to you. I spent most days in my room anyway by that time so I didn't really care that much, I isolated myself that much I may as well have faded into existence. I've changed. I know that. But it still feels foreign, working with other people, and I don't know how long it'll take before it doesn't feel that way anymore. This was a good start. 

We got to the warehouse and made our way inside in total silence, you could hear a pin drop. Clary and Izzy had already started watching us from the outside and making sure we weren't followed so I persuaded Alec, somehow, to allow me and Trey to go one way whilst he and Jace went the opposite as we'd cover more ground that way. Trey and I searched the entire second floor for demonic activity, using our sensors, and were told to report back once we had obtained anything of use to the Clave. We'd made our way around the top floor and I was perfectly satisfied with the silence, I can focus on my duty when it's quiet, Trey, of course, didn't approve.

"How many demons do you think there are in the world?" 

"A lot," I answered bluntly with a desperate need to not involve myself in conversation at this specific time, "But right now can we just focus on the ones here."

"There's nothing here anyway, I'd much rather talk to you." 

"You won't be saying that when you're being torn apart by a pack of Raum demons for sport and screaming for your life." 

"I'm pretty certain I would still be saying that. Wouldn't rather talk to me than being torn apart by demons?" 

"Jury is still out on that one." I retorted imagining how brutal an attack like that would be, I remember seeing the after effects of their demon toxin, not pretty at all.

"So she does make jokes. Never thought I'd see the day," he responded whilst winking at me obnoxiously. "Can we just focus? I'd rather not be killed. Or bored to death by you."

He mocked a heart pain before responding, again, "I can't believe you'd be so insulting," I tilted my head slightly to question him and he spoke up, "Okay I do believe it but still that hurt me." I laughed at his stupidity before double checking the sensor, for what seemed like the tenth time in the past minute, clear. "Nothing up here, we should head back and meet up with the others." 

"Not to say I told you so bu-" I gave him a stern look from the very coldness in my eyes, I hated being wrong, "Okay fine I won't say it but I do agree we should head back, they can't survive without us." I rolled my eyes again at his ridiculous comment. We headed back to the ground floor to hopefully meet up with the others, the whole time Trey was seemingly trying to grab my attention with lame jokes and stupid puns. He gave up when I zoned out completely, building up a stubborn tolerance to anyone trying to be even remotely nice to me. Like I said before, isolated. 

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