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I was in the infirmary for the second time today only this time it was like my heart had been fractured into a millions pieces. I was waiting for someone, anyone really, to talk to me. To tell me whether the girl I love more than anything else on this stupid earth is alive, and whether our baby will survive this. Our baby. I shuddered at the idea. 

It's been a while since I first left, and at least five months since I first remember Jordyn getting sick all of the time. I should've known. All the times when we talked about the future I could still picture her tense up in front of me, I thought she was hesitant, I thought she didn't want a future with me. I spent the whole time I was in Texas convincing myself that she loved me, I didn't think she'd keep anything this big from me. 

Eventually I caught Simon passing by in the hallway, I nearly pounced on the poor boy. "Anything?" I pleaded and I guess Simon sensed the panic in my voice as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, not that it helped. "None of them have left the room, there's no noise it's as if they're not even in there."

"I can't do this I should be in there." I said as I plumetted my head into my hands like a cage. "Why didn't she tell me about the baby Si? I could've been here!" 

Simon offered a sympathetic smile, "I think this worry that you're going through right now is why she didn't want you to know to begin with, I presume you figured by now how stubborn she can be, being pregnant didn't make a difference." 

"I don't know what to do Simon, all I want right now is for the woman I love to be alive in the morning, and for our child to have the chance to be here. Is it a girl or boy?" I asked in short curiousity and more focus on trying to change the subject from what was going on in that room. Simon sat down beside me, "She told us she didn't want to know until you knew. She was convinced it was a girl though." he said and we both laughed as Simon told me of her mood swings. It made me genuinely smile to think that Jordyn had a found a happy place whilst I was away. For that same reason however a frown also formed on my face. "What is it?" Simon asked. 

"It hurts, she never needed to do all this without me. I would've loved her regardless of when and where she told me, I'm not even mad now. I should be furious but I can't even comprehend being angry with her. Because I know, deep down, that she only did-"

"-what she thought was best for you." Simon finished my sentence and I simply nodded, no words escaping my mouth. "Has she been okay on her own? I mean being pregnant?"

Simon sighed, "Well we found out that she'd been training on her own, and pushing herself to the brink of death everytime without care. Alec confronted her after she passed out but you know how she is. She insisted that she would calm down on the training until after she had the baby but she still refused to stop work completely. Then Chase turned up." 

"I knew I recognised him, I had only met him briefly once, I was only around seventeen at the time and him and Jordyn were still kind of dating. I remember being so jealous of him. Jordyn was a handful to most people but to me she was only one thing." 

"You loved her." Simon stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "You still do. And I doubt you could ever stop. I used to believe I loved Clary, I would've died for her. I did die for her in a way. But it wasn't the same love. She will be forever my best friend. You love Jordyn as if she's the only thing you see when you open your eyes and the only thing you think about when you close them. It was hell watching you both pretend to hate eachother." Simon laughed lightly at the thought, I followed after him.

Reality began to settle back in as I heard the door creak slightly, I sighed heavily. "Izzy quickly filled me in on Jordyn's injuries and her current state. Something about remaining glass shards in her left side."

Uncovered - A Shadowhunters FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now