New Friend?

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"Hi Luke-whatever-your-last-name-is! So here's the thing, I forgot to do my assignment, which has a very reasonable reasons. I mean two days? Right two days? " I said trying to defend myself from his noticeable stare

He chuckled "Yeah totally their fault right? Two days right? Who do they think you are? God?" He said trying to convince me

"Right?! Finally someone who believes me!" I said

"Yup. Anyway let's start this oh so hard test. Tell me if I'm ready." He said still chuckling

"Better plan actually. So if I may say, you are a medicine student so you're really qualified. And by the way, this quiz is really quite weird" I said trying to warn him

"Well, I am intrigued." He said smirking

"Ok, So what's your Name? I mean I know Luke but I don't know Luke Hemmings perhaps?" I said wiggling my brows

"Luke Chester Hamilton at your service" he bowed like some kind of prince. "You?" He asked

"Nice name but Hemmings is still better though and I am Veronica Marlowe Hamptons." I bowed like I am some princess or naw. Two could play this game Hamilton

"I see. So your the little sis of Phoenix?"

"Yeah? How'd you know?" I asked

"Well he always says that "Back of from my sister Hamilton!" He said copying my brother's tone.

I chuckled. My brother is somehow protective after Really "Really? How rude." We shared a laugh
"Ok Next I need to ask you already because Miss Davidson would kill me anyway your Age?"-me

"18 you?" He said

"Same!! Anyway, what year are you already?"-me

"Second. you?" He said

"This is so unfair! I still need to study here for a couple of years." I frowned "So, you're also accelerated?" I asked. Curiosity killed a cat honey.

"No I just studied early." He said with a smile

"Next. Any siblings?" I asked. Wow these questions are indeed weird.

"One younger sister. Alejandra Hamilton On the 10th grade" he said

"Maybe you're also protective."I said as I wiggle my brows

"What can I do? My parents told me to somehow take care of that brat" He said being the gentleman that he is. Sarcasm.

"Wow what a gentleman." I said and again he bowed
"Where did you study On your primary and Secondary levels?"-me. This interview is really weird I may say.

"What is this a Slambook or something?" He looked confused as well and chuckled instead.

"Hahahaha tell me bout it. so where?"

"I studied both my primary and secondary as well in France. you?"-him

"Primary in Switzerland and Secondary... On France as well." I said. Small world huh

"Where?/Where did you study?"-him/me

"Lauren académie \ Chantelle académie  "-him/me

"Really?/No way!" We both said t the sane tune with the same expression in our faces. Shock.

"Hahahaha yes way." Actually his school and my school are like Related schools. Because Chantelle académie is just for girls. and his school is for men. Brylle and the twin of Maxine studied there.

They seperated both genders so that it will be easier for them to arange marrieges. Weird? BIG TIME.

"Anyway. I have to go because of some reason" he said after looking at his phone "I gotta bounce. But I have a question." He said

"Go on. Since you've saved me from humiliation and detention and by the way what's with detention and this school I mean where are we? Middle school? Ok I need to stop I am so talkative so you were saying?" I said kind of humiliated and he chuckled.

"Since I've saved you, I think you should pay me back in anyway" he said closing the gap between us. Now I could smell his face soap is that even real? Face soap? Now I am confused.
I gave him a confused look. To be honest, if Ethan would come out of nowhere, God knows what would happen

"Be my friend" he said
I pushed him a little bit and give him a laugh
"Are you kidding me? There's no friend. Who comes this near" I went near him very near him just like he did. Now it's his time to be shocked. I told you Hamilton I could also play this game not really that good but eh

"With his friend." I said and I backed out
His shocked face turned into a jerk face I mean his normal face I guess. And his smile turned into a smirk.

"Well I could be more  than your friend Miss Veronica Marlowe Hampton" he said in a serious tone but with his amused tone

Once again I let out a akward laugh.
I punched his shoulder playfully.
"Of course I could be your friend hehe" I said and he smiled

"Good because if no, I would really get my answers back." He said with a smirk
I am realizing that the decision that I made wasn't really the best decision that I made

"PHAMELA!!!!" Maxine came running to me and then dragged me

"Wait! What's up??" I asked as I pull maxine back

" we need to go!!"

"Ok!!" I faced Max "I am really sorry by the way this is Max's twin and she's quite weird see you aro-- aw" I screamed as Maxine pulled my hair


And the so called emergency was watching a film wow nice. I could've gotten a friend out there. Which is Luke Hemmings I mean Luke Hamilton.
I guess coming with Maxine wasn't  really the best decision either

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