Needy (I Want You)

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*smut warning*
May 1977
Brian sat alone in the bedroom of his London apartment. He was reading a book about astronomy under the thick covers of his bed, his old navy blue record player in the corner beside the window was playing songs by The Who. It was just around evening when the sky was colored all kinds of soft pretty colors, then the sun would gradually set to let the moon glow in the dark sky scattered with dazzling stars. That was Brians favorite part of the day, when the stars were out and he could point out all visible constellations and name the stars he knew.

The faint sound of his doorbell rang just outside of Brians closed bedroom door, he set his book face down on the nightstand and scrambled out of the bouncy bed. Brian made his way out of his spacey bedroom, down the wooden stairs to the front door when the doorbell rang once again. Who would be coming over this late? Brian reached out a hand to grasp the doorknob and pull the door open, revealing a specific, smiling, blue eyed blond that was known as Brians best friend and band mate.

"Oh. Hello, Roger. Fancy seeing you out here this fine night." Brian smiled and let the drummer inside who thanked him and took a look around.

"Wow. Haven't seen this place in ages! I should come crash here more." Roger looked around the place like it was his first time seeing it. Brian shut the door and locked it. Roger turned around and his eyes darted between the lock and Brians eyes. "Locking me in, I see"

Brian shook his head lightly and started to lead the way to the lit up kitchen. "Exactly. Don't want you escaping," He joked

Roger took a seat on the stool behind the island table in the kitchen, Brian opened the fridge and scanned the items. Water bottles, veggies, eggs, sandwiches he made earlier, fruit salad, and mango juice. He looked back at Roger, Roger scrunched up his face and shrugged.

"I'll have mango juice, please and thank you," Roger said politely.

Brian nodded and grabbed the mango juice and a tall glass, he started to pour the drink for Roger.

Roger looked the guitarist up and down and smirked, "you look nice."

"I do?" Brian questioned, looking down at his white Bart Simpson shirt and dark grey sweatpants and to top it off, rainbow socks.

Roger nodded with a small smile. Brian compared his outfit to Rogers. Roger was wearing a black floral button up shirt that was left open and exposing his smooth bare chest and stomach. He wore tight black jeans along with a thin leather belt tightened around his waist. Roger looked so stunning that it made Brian feel some type of way. Brian handed Roger his glass of mango juice and walked around the table to take a seat next to the blond.

"So what brings you here this late in the afternoon?" Brian asked, watching Roger gulp down a few sips of the juice, his adams apple bobbing up and down in the process.

Roger set the glass down and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, he shrugged, "just missed you. Thought I'd come by to hang out a bit. Sorry I didn't call you earlier to ask."

Brian felt a blush creeping onto his cheeks. The corners of his mouth turned into a slight grin. "You missed me?" Brian asked, a little doubtful.

"Of course, Bri," Roger said like it was obvious, "I love being with you."

Brian brushed his long curls out of his face and placed his hand on Rogers knee, "I love being with you too." 

Roger looked down at the hand on his leg and placed his own hand on it before trailing the tips of his fingers gently over the smooth skin up Brians arm. Brian gulped as he looked down at Rogers hand stroking his arm softly, steadily moving up his arm. Roger looked down from his hand up to look into Brians pleading eyes that were staring into his. Brian bit his lower lip and looked as if he was leaning in, Roger pulled his hand away and he hopped off of the chair. Brian sighed and rubbed his temples frustratingly when Roger had his back turned and was walking towards the living room couch.

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