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Mid July, 1975

The four men looked up at the two floor pinkish motel. The sun shone in their eyes, blinding them momentarily as they looked over at the palm trees surrounding the clean place. John scanned the vacant parking lot. Only two cars were parked in the lot. It was a warm sunny day in California, and the band would be spending it at a cheap motel in the middle of nowhere on the side of a quiet road.
The band needed a place to stay for a bit since their tour bus broke down. Roger wasn't so happy, he looked up at the blue letters on the motel sign.

"Why're we staying here instead of a hotel," Roger grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Rog, calm down. We just need a place to stay momentarily," Brian replied, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Brian adjusted the strap of his large bag over his shoulder. The band started towards a small office at the end of all the rooms.

"And we cant drive out just a bit more to a nicer place?" Roger questioned, frustrated.

"Oh don't be such a drama queen! I bet it's going to be fine!" Freddie rolled his eyes at the blond.

Freddie walked first into the office, ignoring the annoyed blond behind him. A pale dark haired boy sitting behind the tall wooden counter looked up immediately as the men entered. He sat up from his stool with a shy smile.

"Hello, we would like two rooms please," Brian asked politely, walking up to the counter and resting an arm on it.

The boy nodded and slid a clipboard with a paper attached towards the tall guitarist. He spun on his heel to the key holder on the wallpaper covered wall behind him, grabbing two keys for rooms four and five.

"Not busy today, huh?" Brian questioned, his head down as as scribbled his and his band mates names on a thin column of the paper.

"Mm not really. No one really comes out here," replied the young boy.

Brian looked back up with a small smile as he held out the pen to the boy, noticing his flashy cerulean eyes that reminded him of Rogers beautiful ones. The dark haired boy took the pen and clipboard, placing them on the lower desk in front of him.

"You look a bit young to be working at a motel by yourself. Anyone else work with you?" Brian asked curiously.

"My mother. She's at home sick right now so I'm here by myself. Our home is nearby, so whenever she needs me I'll be there in an instant," the boy explained. He clasped his hands together neatly in front of him.

"Hope she feels better soon," John piped in.

"You are such a kind boy! Your mother is lucky to have a son like you," Freddie commented, smiling kindly at the boy who returned with a small smile as well.

Roger just grunted, his arms still crossed. Brian glared at the drummer from the corner of his eye, Roger stuck his tongue out in response.

"Anyway, that'll be one hundred forty for the two rooms, Mr. May," the blue eyed boy said.

"Oh yes! Of course," Brian snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head. He reached for his pocket then stopped and furrowed his brows, a grin forming on his lips, "you know who I am?"

"Yes, Of course," the young one nodded, "it says your name right on the paper," the boy pointed at the form Brian filled out just moments before.

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