P.S. I Love You

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December 15, 1969

Roger sat on one end of the leathery black couch, a thick cream blanket covering his stretched out legs. The daily newspaper sat spread out on his lap. His tired eyes scanned the pictures and read the small black print. Roger averted his gaze to the tall window that looked out onto the grey streets of London, powdery white snow sprinkling down from the cloudy sky. Roger threw the blanket to the other side of the couch with a sigh. He stood up and stretched his arms up over his head, yawning. Shuffling to the small kitchen, he rubbed his chilly arms hurriedly in an attempt to spark warmth. Reaching the counter, he stood up on his tips of his toes and stretched his hand up in reach for the cabinet. He opened it swiftly and grabbed the kettle, frowning as he thought of how he would usually ask Brian to open the tall cabinet for him. Brian has been gone for months while on tour with his band "Smile". Brian was the guitarist, his friend Tim Staffell played the bass and was the lead vocalist, then they had this new drummer that Roger didn't quite take a liking too. Roger wanted to go touring with the band, but Tim declined and said that Brian can't have any distractions. Of course Tim didn't mean it in a hateful way, Tim and Roger were great friends.
Brian just usually got so infatuated and distracted by Roger that he couldn't focus on the band.

Roger let the water fill the kettle under the sinks running water. Afterwards, he placed the water filled kettle on the stove, turning the knob before making his way over to the chipped wooden table and sitting at the end. Roger felt his heart sink. Brian wouldn't be coming home anytime soon. The band was supposed to be touring for a few more months, so Brian wouldn't be with Roger for Christmas and New Years. Brian always sent letters to keep in touch, including romantic poems and lyrics in the letters, telling his boyfriend about all the places he has seen and people he met. And at the end of each letter Brian would always write, P.S. I Love You. Just the simple addition to the letters would cause Rogers heart to flutter and a blush to creep onto his pale cheeks.

A high pitched whistling rang in Rogers ear, snapping him out of his thoughts. With a sigh, he lazily got to his feet and shuffled back to the stove. In gentle movements, he turned the stove off and poured the steaming hot water into his favorite yellow mug. The blond pulled out the drawer beside him, picking out a tea bag from the opened cardboard box and dipping it into the mug. His heavy lids drew closed as he lifted the mug to his lips. The burning liquid gently dipped past his lips and slid down his throat.

His fuzzy-sock-covered feet dragged him back into the small cluttered living room to where the tall window brought in all the bright light. Just a gander at the snow covered stone roads was all it took for Rogers heart to flutter and sink all at once. Brian and Roger would usually sit by the window, snuggled up under blankets on the couch with tea cups in hand as they listened to the fireplace crackle and watch the fluffy snow pile outside. Tea warmed up the blond's stomach to replace the lacking feeling of burning love. He just wished he would see Brian as soon as possible. He couldn't bear to spend a dreadful Christmas and New Years without his curly haired lover.

Just then, Roger spotted a bundled up man with a blue cap trudge his way on the snow covered sidewalk to Rogers front door downstairs. The man reached into his worn out brown leather bag that was slung over his shoulder and pulled out a pile of mail. Roger watched with curious eyes as the man crouched down and slid the stack into the golden slot.
Roger sprang up with joy, spilling his tea in the process of placing it on the nearest table frantically as he bolted out the door. He nearly stumbled over his fast feet as he flew down the stairs. He dashed down the small hallway and dropped to his knees in front of the chipping wooden door. The pile sat scattered on the dark green carpet.

Roger's zealous hands collected the pile and his wide eyes scanned through the envelopes. Letter from Aunt Eleanor, he tossed that to the side. Bills that needed to be paid, definitely toss that. A friend from college's letter, tossed. And a letter that made Roger's heart skip a beat; a letter from Brian. The blond clambered to his feet frantically and ran down the hallway and back up the stairs with a silly grin plastered on his face, like an ecstatic child.

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