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*smut warning*

July 26, 1979

"Rise and shine, love!"

Brian pulled open the navy blue curtains of the master bedroom, blinding his sleeping boyfriend in the queen sized bed.

"Ugh! Briannn!" Roger groaned, flinching and covering his eyes at the direct sunlight to his tightly shut eyes.

"Cmon, Rog! We've got to get to the studio," Brian yanked the white blanket off of Roger's body.

The contact of the chilly air hitting Roger's bare skin caused him to shiver. He hugged his knees to his chest and let his head fall back onto the pillow.

"This is torture, Brian! For God's sake!" Roger growled in his raspy and high pitched voice.

Brian crossed his arms over his chest, frowning down at the tired younger man in the bed. There he was, curled up on the mattress with nothing but thin boxers on. His forest of blond tousled hair caused him to look like a child, even though he would be turning thirty years old today. Brian, Freddie, And John had a plan for Roger's birthday— and that involved not acknowledging it.

"Aw. I'm sorry, Roggie," Brian muttered softly. He knelt beside Roger and leaned forward to press a soft kiss to Roger's pale cheek.

Roger couldn't help the smile spread on his face as a pink blush blossomed on his cheeks. His eyes opened the slightest to peer at Brian with a smirk. He loved that man and everyone knew it.

"D'you know what day it is?" Roger muttered out the question in a sleepy voice. He already knew the answer to the question; It was his birthday. He was testing Brian to see if he remembered.

"Thursday," Brian simply replied, trying not to smirk.

Roger's smile faltered. His saddened gaze trailed down to his thighs below him to avoid eye contact with Brian. His heart broke slightly at his boyfriend's response. Had he really not remembered?

Brian felt his heart break at Roger's reaction. He wished he could just hold Roger and kiss him everywhere and tell him how he hopes he has the best birthday ever and what present would make him happy. But, Brian had to stick to the plan. At the end of the day, Roger would hopefully be content and satisfied with the day that his friends had planned for him.

"Now," Brian let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He pushed himself up and moved to the foot of the bed. "Go and get ready. I'll be in the kitchen waiting for you when you are ready to go," And with that, Brian walked out the door of their bedroom.

Roger sighed, sitting up and resting against the cold wooden headboard. His warm skin cooling down at being exposed to the air conditioned room. Stretching his arms high over his head, he yawned and stretched his legs out as well. He knew better than to leave Brian waiting, so he slung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up.

Meanwhile, Brian was humming while flipping some pancakes in a pan for Roger. After a couple of minutes went by, a stack of pancakes sat piled up on a plate. Creamy whipped cream created a tiny mountain on top of the stack with sprinkles and chocolate sauce dribbling down the stack.

"Oh, he is going to get such a sugar rush," Brian mumbled tiredly to himself. He stared down at the stack with his flat palms resting on either side of the kitchen island.

Roger came rushing down the hall. "I smelled something good!" He squeaked.

Brian stood up straight with a welcoming smile stretching his lips. His heart fluttered at Roger's excitement. Roger's eyes trailed down to the pancakes sitting in front of the pulled out stool. A smile spread across his face as his cheeks warmed at Brian's sweet gesture.

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