waiting for the ambulance

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we all stood surprised at harry when niall suddenly made movement. he rushed to harrys side.

"guys we have to rush to the hospital you know he cant survive if hes uncontious for two long" he said.  

louis quickly wiped his tears and rushed to nialls side. they ran to the closest car. 

"zayn its your car your gonna have to drive us to the hospital" said louis. 

zayn sadly put down liams head and joined the two at his car. 

"what shouyld i do" i said confused. 

"watch over harry" said niall. they all went into the car and drove away they smush liams body to pieces since it is on the road. it makes a very squishy sound. i gag a little. 

i rushed to liams head side and cry a little before placing a smol kiss on his head. i then join harry on the sidewalk and try to revive him. 

"wake up harry!" he did not wake up. i checked his knee. one thing that mom told me beofre i left was to check someones knee for a pulse. nothing. i tried his shin. still nothing. i put my ear next to his toes and i still couldnt hear anything. suddenly his toes wiggled from undereath me. i looked up and saw that harry was awake! 

"oh thank god that ur awake!" i said happily. 

"were you trying to suck my toes?" asked harry. oh gosh! of all the things he could of said. i gagged more then i had when the guys ran over liams body. 

"really harry thats gross." i said shrugging. 

"sorry just had to check. you look good from up here." said harry. another complement! 

"aww gee thanks" i said smirking. harry turned his head to liams body. 

"he was my best friend you know" he said wiping a tear away. "we had such huge plans to make a band and tore the world. but now hes dead. how did it happen did you see him do it?" he asked me.

"he just kinda through himself into the road. idk what or why he did it tho" i said trembling. did harry thinkit was my fault??????

"maybe he just saw YOU and thought it wouyld be funny to get himslef killed" said harry angryly. i stood up because i didnt want to fight rn. 

"no!!! i was in love with him!!! i would never kill him!" i cried. harry slapped me in the face and pushed me back. i was so upset that i kicked him in the shin which didnt do much. he tried to grab my hair but i pushed him back and kicked him again but this time in the nuts. he hunched ovver for a few seconds obvi in pain. then he got up to hit me again. 

"stop!!! liam wouldnt of wanted this!!!" i screamed

harry was so mad that i mentioned liam he turned around and sad down. we didnt talk for the rest of the time that they were gone. the guys returned and harry was ascorted to the hospital. 

"idk why we had to get the amberlance to harry he could have just walked." said zayn annoyed. his hand was still covered in liams blood. i rushed to zayns side and hugged him. it just sunk in that liam the love of my live was gone forever and he was never coming back. 

zayn hugged me back and whispered "sleep in my room tonight please". 

i agreed to...

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