Chapter 4

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*Flashback to senior year high school spring break*

Some of the guys had been talking about going to Miami but I really didn't want to go there. I decided to go after much convincing from Grayson more like begging me with the whole puppy eyes routine which is hard to say no to. I was packing a few swimsuits and dresses to wear along with some shorts and tank tops and some sandals. One thing I found out from Tonan was that Bailey was going to be there just what I needed.

After many hours of packing I decided to go to bed to get ready for tomorrow to leave for Miami. I woke up the next morning and grabbed some oatmeal and strawberries for breakfast. After having some breakfast I headed to the airport this was going to be a long spring break.

I got to the airport and grabbed some Starbucks before getting on the plane. I got on the plane and sat in a window seat I sent a text to my mom and also one to Tonan because he was right now the only reasonable friend. I landed and headed to the beach house that I was staying at but not with one else.

I got out and walked up to the house and unlocked the door and walked in. I walked into the master bedroom and unpacked my bag and put some of my stuff in the bathroom. After I unpacked I put on a swimsuit and went down to the beach.

I walk out and it is bright and sunny as can be. I grab a towel and lay it down and put on some lotion and my sunglasses. I lay on the towel and then two people stand in front of my view of the sun.

Grayson: Aren't you going to say hi

Me: Hi now move over

Tonan: I'm surprised you came

Me: I was told to come more like someone begged me

Grayson: Yes I did now can we please all get along

Me: Fine only for you

Tonan: Should be fun

Me: When does her broomstick land

Tonan: She's on her way

Me: I'm going back inside now

I got up and grabbed my towel and walked inside before I could say what I really wanted to say. Every time I'm around them I fake my feelings like I'll fake that I'm okay and even Tonan knows that I'm not okay and really knows what's going on. I grabbed a shower and put on some shorts and a tank top. I walked outside and could hear this annoying high pitched laughter. 

I walked outside to see what was going on and let's just say I wasn't thrilled but I knew I just had to go with it. I mean the only reason she's dating him is that he's the star of the team which annoys me. Tonan could tell that I was annoyed with all of it he knew what I was thinking.

Tonan: Don't worry it won't last long

Me: She's intent on making it end game

Tonan: Anybody reasonable knows that you two are end game

Me: And right now he's too stupid to figure that out

Tonan: I'd just wait it out

Me: I mean he's still the one

Tonan: You listen to Shania Twain too much

Me: Shut up I'm going for a walk on the beach

Even Jack and the guys could tell that I wasn't comfortable. I just needed to be alone for awhile and clear my head. I stood where the water meets the sand and let it hit my feet it felt good. I knew that I wasn't going to be alone for long.

Grayson: Hey

Me: Hi

Grayson: You don't seem like yourself

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