Chapter 5

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*Flashback to senior night*

Crazy that senior night against UNC is coming up where has the time gone. It seems like yesterday we got to campus as freshmen and have had some ups and downs. I was sitting in my apartment trying to study for midterms before spring break. I quite hadn't had coffee yet but good thing someone brought me one but wouldn't let me study for my sports journalism midterm.

Grayson: Babe you've been studying all week

Me: I never said we were exclusive let alone dating for that matter

Grayson: Come on all you have is a paper

Me: An important one I would really like to get right

Grayson: Have you studied for sports psych

Me: Yes I have

Grayson: Meet me later

Me: Fine

Grayson: Love you

Me: Love you too

Everybody thinks we've been dating for awhile not entirely true. I value privacy and wouldn't post it if we were because I know better. It's not like we haven't thought about dating but with Hawaii and junior year I wanted to hold off. I always kew Bailey and him weren't going to last and was just waiting for my shot.

After studying for a little I decided to head over to Cameron to work out. I walked out and got in my Q60 and headed over there to get on an elliptical. I got out of my car and headed toward the workout room but not before running into Wendell and Marvin.

Marvin: What are you doing here

Me: Going to get on an elliptical 

Wendell: Yeah right

Me: I'm serious

Marvin: Yeah okay

I walk into the workout room and get on an elliptical and try to do thirty minutes. I pull out my head phones and listen to some eighties music it's a playlist I like it's got some good music on it. After I get done I walk in the direction of the locker room hoping that no one sees me. I walk in and see him waiting for me in the middle of the floor.

Grayson: Did anybody see you

Me: No

Grayson: Good

Me: I'll lock the door

I walk over and lock the door so that someone doesn't say coach walks in. I walk back over and he pushes me up against one of the lockers don't know whose locker it was but oh well. He picks me up and carries me to the training room and sets me down on one of the training room tables and we continue to kiss. I decide to pull away and catch my breath.

Me: I would love nothing more than to continue this but I have a paper to continue writing

Grayson: What is it with this paper

Me: It is of a personal matter and I want to keep my A average

Grayson: You were always book smart and made me look stupid at times

Me: At least I was doing something right

Grayson: I'll see you later

Me: I'd count on it

I put my hair back in the bun that I had it in before it got taken out. I got back to my apartment and picked up where I left off. My paper was on the topic of the media and unfair coverage that some athletes receive from them particularly an evil four letter sports network that has always had an agenda against the program since Lattener. I was going to bring down all of the sports media with a vengeance and they won't know what hit them.

After finishing the article I got ready for the big game tonight. Not only was it my last time watching a game in Cameron but it was his last game playing in Cameron. I put on some jeans and the black jersey I asked to borrow and my necklace along with the ring. I got in my car and headed to Cameron. I walked in and I saw the last person I ever wanted to see. Tonan could tell that I was uncomfortable in seeing her here and for no apparent reason.

Me: Did you know she was coming

Tonan: No I didn't know

Me: She has no right to be here not after what happened

Tonan: You believe those rumors

Me: I'm quite sure but then you didn't see him in Hawaii let alone that night after Elon

Tonan: Good thing you were there

Me: Yes it was a good thing

I walked over and took my seat next to Sherry where I normally sat unless I was sitting with the Crazies. The atmosphere of Cameron I definitely will miss the most. The game and introductions start and the game begins.

The game was crazy as is every game with UNC but tonight wasn't just about the game. The game went back and forth and the team was down at the half by ten. Marvin as always had a good game and pretty much kept us in the game. We played a much better second half and that's what caused us to win the game. After the game was the speech I told myself I wouldn't cry about but I was likely to in the end.

Not once in his speech did she get mentioned not many of us did. I tried not to cry but felt like I was going to. After the speech I was waited out in the tunnel for the guys to finish up with interviews. Marvin and Grayson came out not surprised that I was standing there waiting for them.

Marvin: I thought you would've left by now

Me: No but I usually wait for fools even when you guys lose

Marvin: You joining us at Shooters

Me: I doubt it

Grayson: You're not studying again

Me: I thought about it

Grayson: Come on

Me: I'll think about it

I decided not to join those guys I didn't really feel like going out. I walked in and put on some shorts and a long sleeve shirt and poured some wine to drink. I heard a knock on the door and I walk over and open the door to see a vase of peonies. I feel someone walk up behind me and cover my eyes and I start to laugh.

Me: Are you kidding me

Grayson: No I'm not

Me: Get inside now

Grayson: Are you sure

Me: Yes now shut up

I turn back around and push him in my apartment and lock the door and start to take clothes off and take out my hair tie. He picks me up and takes me into the bedroom while I run my hands in his hair without breaking the kiss. He looks at me before going any further and I nod my head in return. I mean if I'm going to lose it why not now with someone I want to lose it to.

Grayson: Damn woman why do you make me feel this way

Me: I could say the same thing

Grayson: That necklace on you damn

Me: That was a gift

Grayson: No need to say who from

Me: I thought so

I pull away to catch my breath like what I did I just do. In no way shape or form do I regret doing this I've waited too long. I put back on my long sleeve and grab some water from the kitchen and get ready for bed. I walk back in and lay my head on his bare chest and start to fall asleep.

A/N: This is something that I wrote through the crazy trade deadline and didn't want to write anything current just in case I had to rewrite an entire chapter good thing I and a few others were spared of having to do that. If you're like me and are wanting to know what is going on in real life I have nothing to say on that or have any clue.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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