Chapter Two ~ Senior Year

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Parker's POV

"I still can't believe it, Em," I sighed.

"I know, it's crazy. We are graduating this year. Our teen years are soon to be over!" She exclaimed.

"Nuh uh! I'm stayin' a teen forever!" I called out. We laughed for a minute then continued walking to school. Our other friends should meet us soon.


We saw Jay and Peyton run up to us. Jay and Peyton are step siblings, but they get along really well. Peyton and Em have been good friends since sophomore year and Em's friends are my friends. Jay came along last summer. "Hey guys. How was the end of summer?"

"Good. We went to the water park in Callen for the end celebration," Em told them. Nobody else knows about the Hill and where we meet. We decided to keep it a complete secret. "How was yours?"

"Boring!" Jay called out, I chuckled, "we sat at home organizing our bedrooms and school stuff," Jay poked Peyton, "her Mom made us."

"I like cleaning my room. Like an extreme organizing clean. We also got to repaint and style it," Peyton smiled. "I did mine beach themed. It's pretty cool,"


Soon after we walked a few more blocks, Jordan and Hailey came up. Jordan is my best guy-friend. Hailey is basically his third girlfriend in a month. But it seems like it might last a couple weeks longer than his usual girlfriends. "Wassup homies!?" Jordan called.

"What." Peyton gave him an unimpressed face.

"Just cause you don't have my street cred don't hate on me!" Jordan lightly pushed Peyton. I rolled my eyes and snorted.

"You're an idiot," Peyton laughed.

"Hi Hailey," I acknowledged the obviously fake blonde that tagged behind. She wore her usual skirt, dressy top and cardigan. She wasnt anything especially sexy. She was kind of a book nerd, always hanging out I'm the library. Jordan only dates her because, in his words, 'she's frisky in the bedroom,'

I seriously doubt he's every gotten past a simple make out session, but it's not my concern.

We talked about our summers to pass time while walking to school.


"Hello everyone, as you know, this is senior year. It's a special year to grow into adulthood," Vice Principle Haylings announced. He wore his usual suit with a ketchup stain on the tie, his round stomach was the first thing we could see- as usual. "I'm glad everyone is so happy to be back. This year will defiantly be full of memories to cherish and laughs to remember," He smiled.

How sappy. "As everyone is aware, a teacher cut back is in the process. So please understand if we cannot get extra help or tutors. We will try our best to help every single one of you graduate by the end of the year, just remember you have to help is out by working hard and trying your best." Principle Leighton smiled. "You may now to go your first class,"

Everyone filed out, Em and I stayed at the back where it was less crowded. "I have English. You?" Em whispered.

"Math. It sucks." I sighed and continued walking down the crowded halls.

"See ya in Journalism!" Em called as she went down a different hallway. I nodded in response. We both like pictures, we like taking them and we each have a book of our less favourite and a special part of a wall in our bedrooms for our favourite ones. We both have good cameras, I got her one for her birthday and she go me mine for Christmas.

We love driving around and taking random pictures with different angles or filters. We decided to make a photography company together as our career, that's why we are taking Journalism together.

It's weird, everyone expect us to fall in love. My family teases me about Em being my soon-to-be girlfriend. And Em says her family does the same. Jay and Peyton sometimes ask. And Jordan is too busy with his chasing a new girlfriend that he only asks when someone else brings it up.

But Em and I have a deeper love for eachother than that. It's like we are family, we don't ever feel the need to have a romantic relationship because we are like brother and sister.

And I like it that way.

Authors Note: hey everyone! I have good plans for this! And I will definatly update as much as I can. I love comments (even if you inbox me) and I know the cover isn't anything special. I just wanted more of a temporary one while I get the proper one done.

~ Ashley

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