Chapter Four ~ Her Plan

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Kassandra's POV

I looked at all the papers I had hung on my bedroom wall. I pondered for awhile.

"You know Parker Waltz is the best choice," Bailey said. She was painted her toenails in my on-suite bathroom.

"Yeah, but he seems kinda mean." I scrunched my nose.

"How so?"

"He said Jackson was cheating!" I blurted out, a little louder than planned.

Bailey walked out of my bathroom on her heels, "what?" She gasped. It seemed a little sarcastic.

"Yeah I know!" I threw my arms up.

"Rat bastard," she shook her head and waddled back to that bathroom.

"How about James Doyle?" I suggested.

"Ew. Leader of the Harry Potter fan club? Really, Kass?" She snorted.

"Well... We are looking for a loser, aren't we?" I replied. Our plan was for me to start dating a loser and make him popular, sort of a charity and because we only have idiotic football players as popular boys. It's getting old. "Why don't we both date a loser? Then double the loser to popular, and we could even let some loser friends be popular as well,"

"Ew!" She shrieked. "I will not do that!"

"Then why am I?" I went to my bathroom.

"Because, you suggested this whole thing. I'm just helping you." She shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay," I went back to the papers on my wall. "Parker Waltz is sort of cute. But he has less friends than James Doyle. Which means less new popular kids," I sighed.

"Good, go with Parker Waltz," she walked back out and layed down on my bed. I raised an eyebrow, "because less friends mean less of a chance he will say no to the popular life to stay a loser with his best buddies," she snorted, "so Parker having only a couple friends means less tie-downs... And they are all probably desperate for attention!" She laughed.

I laughed with her. "Okay, Parker Waltz it is," I smiled to the paper with his name.

Authors Note: hey I purposely made it short so... Yeah.

And please share this because I'm super proud and happy with it. I won't give up even if I only get one or two reads and I've got some good plans for it.

Comment as well!

~ Ashley

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