Chapter Eight ~ Pushed Away

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Emmerson-Rose's POV

One week ago Parker kissed Bailey in the girls washroom, now he's dating Lana. What a man-whore! I slammed the locker I share with that asshat, it bounced back and I saw a glimpse of my face in the mirror I set up. I look as angry as I feel. I look so horrid! I quickly applied some make up.

"Jesus Christ!" I screamed as I felt hands hit my shoulders, almost hitting my cheek with my red lipstick.

"Whoa man! Just me!" Peyton laughed, but shortly after her expression changed, "hey, I know things aren't good with Parker. And I'm just gonna say that Jay is with Parker and with you."

"I don't want you guys picking between us. And besides, you don't need to! It's just a little argument," I shrugged it off like it wasnt a big deal, but that's a lie.

A big fat lie.

"Well, it seems bad so, Parker is a jerk." She gave a sympathetic smile.

"Okay whatever, lets skip the rest of the day." I started to walk to the doors.

"It's second block..." She quickly followed me.

"I know. But I'm done for today. You can stay, but I'm going to the mall," I started to walk to the doors. Peyton started to walk at a normal pace beside me, "good girl," I patronized her and patted her back, I'm joking of course.

Peyton scooted a few steps away from me and we just walked down the street in silence. "So you aren't upset about Parker?" She piped up.

"No. I thought I was, but it's non of my business." Why can't she let it go already?

"Oh..." She stopped talking, but it seems like she wants to say more. "You know, there's uh, there's rumours going around."

I stopped walking.

"What do you mean?" I turned to her.

"Like about you and Parker..."

"What are people saying about us?" I demanded.

"Just that Parker dumped you and went for Lana. And that you stalk him on twitter and Facebook and stuff." Her voice squeaked.

"What? We were never dating! Plus, I would never date an asshole like him! He probably started the rumours, that prick. I hate him, I hate him so damn much!" I yelled.

"So it's not nothing," she murmured.

"No! It pisses me off that he kissed Bailey. It pisses me off he just left me to go to those rich, prissy bitches. Peyton, you're right, it's not nothing because I lost my best friend to a group of girls that bullied me!" I started to feel tears prick my eyes.

"Oh honey," Peyton cooed. She loves beinc the nurturing mother type. She hugged me but I struggled pull away. "I think you're jealous of Lana and Bai-"

"Seriously, Peyton?" I furrowed my eyebrows, "you are my only friend left and you seriously say that?" I ran my hands through my hair, slightly greasy.

"I just think that-"

"I think you should re consider being a school counsellor as your career path. Because obviously you have no compassion towards people in a crisis!" I immediately clapped a hand over my mouth. I saw Peyton start to quiver. "Peyton I-"

"You're right... I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry," her voice cracked at the end as she started to wall back to school, tears streaming down her face.

I'm such an idiot. "Good job, Emmerson-Rose. You have successfully pushed everyone you care about away." I put my head down and started to walk home.


Hey! I apologize greatly because I haven't updated since December 3rd. But I hope you can forgive me.

But I'm so pumped for Christmas in 2 days!! Lordy Lordy lord! I just can't even concentrate. I'll update after Christmas (say a couple (large) things I got!) (can you have brackets inside brackets or is that only Order of Operations in math (nerd alert!?) to many brackets? Okay;))

(Anyone else think ";))" looks like a person with extreme double chin?;))

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