
22 2 6

It's funny how people get thirsty of attention
How they want all eyes upon them
How hard they try to be the only candle that lights
Making the wind blow hard to turn off others
I don't get it
Why are people so basic?
Why are they followers instead of being leaders?
Betraying the ones that cared
For the ones that never will
People talk behind her back
I asked myself if it was worth it to get to know her
And to be honest
I regret looking at her in first place
I might be jealous
Of how high her ego is
Also self esteem
But it's disgusting
How much of a hypocrite she can be
I wanted to understand people's thoughts about folding a sheet of paper in the same shape
When I was folding it differently
I wanted to fit
But when I met her
I understood that I should be proud of who I am
And that I should be proud
Of not being her
That I should be happy about being "unique"
I understood that she was that kind of person
That you have to be scared to meet
To trust
I learned to get away from people like her
People that want to turn off your light
Everyone's light
Just to be the only one shining
That wants to be the only colorful and healthy flower in spring
I'm done
If I could hardly accept you once
I'll not do it again
I hope karma returns all the pain
That you ever caused to someone
Just like you did to me.

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