Where I should be (part 2)

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* AN this is really short!!!!!*

We kept walking for ten minutes more, give or take.The sky was getting dark, my stomach growled, I hadn't had lunch, the trees grew closer together as we walked until you couldn't see the sky above, just a thick canopy of leaves. Suddenley the trees parted into a clearing ' we're here' said north' where?' I replied, looking around ' there isn't anything here' ' there is.' said north and he snapped his fingers the ground opened and swallowed us up.

We were falling through darkness, my stomach lurched unpleasently like in a rolllercoaster, I looked up the sky was dark with a spoonful of  stars scattered across it like glitter. it began to snow a few flakes fell from the sky falling into the hole tumbling past me and into the inky depths. the snow was falling heavily now  it was filling up the hole, I felt my brain relax and my eyes close the last thing I remembered was  thinking dimly how strange it was to fall asleep while falling to your (perhaps) death.

WHOOMPH!!!... hushed voices 'you've killed him!!! what have you done north!!!! idiot, idiot idiot!!!!!' north's voice 'no I havent Cally see he's coming round now...' ' oh, hi there!!! we thought you were dead' I opened my eyes to see a girl with white blonde hair, very big blue eyes and a wide grin standing over me 'where am I' I asked groggily 'headquarters, I better introduce myself...my names Callista but call me Cally' said the girl brightly, she had a soft Irish accent ' how long have I been out?' I asked sitting up ' only a few minutes, we were really worried though' she replied holding out a hand for me to grab ' no we weren't...' said north who was standing next to the girl ' well I was' said the girl looking back at him  I took her hand pulled myself up 'what are you doing all of you' another girl had apppeared she looked exactly like the first except with dark brown hair ' nothing Cass' said the first girl ' this is Cassiopeia' she said to me 'my twin' ' c'mon you lot lets get him for diagnosis' said Cassiopeia ' and call me Cass by the way' she said nodding to me.

'Its going to be sunny tomorrow ' said Cally as we walked down a bright white corridor leading off from where the hole ended so I guess you want to know what we can do then' she added ' most people do , here its like teling your name or your age, part of life, you know... and we can tell the future by the way ' she waggled her fingers at me ' Cass tells the bad stuff like deaths and bad weather and I tell the good stuff like births and ummm' she trailed off ' flowery stuff' provided Cass with a sneer.we walked for a good 20 minutes before Cass finally said' sooo what can you do?' ' I... uh tear things up, like the ground and um... yeah' I finished lamely, how could I tell people what my gift was when I didn't know myself ' we'll wait for the diagnosis then you can tell us properly' said Cally loudly ' shut  up all of you we're nearly there' cally giggled ' I can't wait to see his face, its so FUNNY when the new ones come in' 

I stopped in my tracks and took a breath, it was so beautiful, like a dream that I didn't want to end.

The corridor turned off into an enormus domed room, the ceiling was an enormus window looking up at the sky above and all the walls were painted a deep blue.Gold swirls were etched across the deep blue background and silver stars glittered across a sky that mirrored the colour of the sky wall, it was like some strange dream.

   In the middle was a long silver desk wihth several people sitting behind it, these were no ordinary people though. Their skin seemed to glitter in the light of the moon, which was hanging directly above them like a friendly face. Their hair was pale white and their skin like paper bags, but their eyes sparkled like the stars that hung above them and they were as lively as a newborn childs.  But the weirdest thing about this beuatiful room was that there wasn't a soul in the room but the sound of a thousand voices filled it like a rhythmic song. 

Cally giggled again ' what d'ya think?' she said stifling laughter, and her voice was added to the thousands of others  ' Cal it really isn't that funny' said Cass looking at her tiredly ' y y yes it is!' said Cally, who was now trying so hard not to laugh that her face was turning red 'he he ehahaha hooo mmnnnmmmph' she spluttered as a laugh escaped and she clamped a hand round her mouth ' just laugh Cally!' I said 'nnn not in front of them' she said 'just go to the desk' said north and he pushed me forward, I walked towards them slowly,  they were all smiling warmly at me ' Felix Fox' North whispered to an old lady with her hair in a bun 'undiagnosed, recruited by W2 at BAW, England ' the old lady nodded and touched a wrinkled, bony finger to my forehead.

Suddenley the whole room was full of people, just milling around and they were all, most certainley origanals. There was a women standing, back a against the wall talking to a man, she had shoulder length black hair and gills the man she was talking to was twice the normal size of a human  and a little girl was running around them and she just took off. The weird thing was that there was just as many people in the air as on the ground, some had shiny, curved bettle wings, others had majastic feathered ones and still others floated around transparent like wisps of cloud  I looked around in disbelief, cally ran towards me laughing fit to burst ' mwa hahahah ahah aahah hooohohohohehehehe yyy yourrr ffffaaacce!!!!!' she squealed ' Cally!' said north ' shut up your  getting reeeeeaaaalllllly annoying!!' cally looked sad ' thats really weird!' I said looking around ' why do they do that? how do they do that? I mean wha...' I was interuppted by Cally ' mwa hahehehhehehehhooooooohahah' 'SHUT UP!' said Cass tapping her foot 'how can you guys be sisters?' asked north 'anyway they do that for secruity, if someone just fell down that hole, before we filled it well... anyway they can tell if your an origanal, thats they're gift, its very rare, no ones been born with it in a thousand years.Its very special, you would have a lot of power...' he trailed off ' you mean those people' I began ' Yep, they're a thousand years old'  replied north, Cass rolled her eyes 'is he ever going to get diagnosed?' she said impatiently ' oh yeah' said North. 

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