What I am now (edited)

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Chapter Three

I had to leave now. I'm some sort of maniac, maybe I'll wake up and this will all be a dream. Or not. I ran to the house and opened the door, I rammed the key under the mat, hopefully Anne would find it. 

I stopped in my tracks and turned to see Bear staring at me. ' Bye Bear' There was a lump in my throat, Bear had been my only companion, all these years, I had had a hard a life, everyone gets bullied, but no many people run away. An no one gets freaky powers.  But I had always been a loner, all my life I never really had any friends. Of course I prefered it that way. But Bear was always there sitting right next to me, panting in my face and dropping dead birds into my lap.

He wasn't going to be there anymore, or rather, I wasn't going to be there anymore ' bye' and then I had to leave, I couldn't stand there anymore looking at him and knowing I would never see him again.  I had to leave.

I walked down the street, awkwardly looking around for any signs of anyone, oddly there wasn't, not a soul. I walked faster and faster until I was running, I didn't even know where I was going , only that I was running away, away from the only place I ever knew. I ran until I didn't know where I was anymore, I was on a wide, long road, with cherry trees lining the pavements, I read the road sign, Elm Gardens.  I walked down it, it too was empty. The snow crunched under my feet and I realised just how lonely I was. 

I heard shouting from behind, so I ducked beside a car.'come on Wren, what you got in that bag, open it,' 'shut up Marcus' said a girls voice, you could tell she was angry 'its none of your buisness, shove off and go terrorize some little kid, or do you need to apply your makeup first?' three boys and a girl came into sight, the biggest boy had black hair and a pointed nose, he was stocky and well built and stood a head taller than the rest. The girl had long very red hair reaching to her waist, she had a black rucksack on her back. She looked round, her eyes met mine for half a second but she looked back up at the boys. 

' get out the way' she said 'what you gonna do?' said a boy with a a buzz cut 'take out your handbag and start whacking us?' 'actually I was under the impression that that was what you were gonna do' she retorted. 'move out the way' 'make us' ' alright' she kneed the guy in the stomach and was climbing up the side of a house before they even looked round.The funny thing was that she wasn't actually climbing, she was crawling, like she just stuck there. She turned round and sat down on the side of the wall, facing them, she waved. 'She's some kind of freak' one of them shouted. 'Well you said make you, so I did.' she smiled and jumped down behind them, 'asta la vista' and she began to run, she was really fast, she was jumping over cars, and weaving in and out of the trees. The boys ran after her, one of them grabbed a pole from a nearby skip and began charging at her with it like he was jousting. 

She looked behind and jumped onto the side of a house,she was running on the side of the house, she flipped and landed on the guy with the poles shoulders, 'see ya' she swung round his shoulders and pushed off his stomach, at the same time she grabbed the pole, she backflipped and the pole swung round and hit him in the jaw. He groaned, blood was trickling down his chin, she swung the pole back and hit him in the side of the head, his eyes rolled back into his head and he passed out. The other two boys were just sanding there, awestruck, she swung the pole round again and hit them, she punched one in the face, he looked dazed and fell down, eyes closed, and the other ran away. She shouted after him' you just got beat up by a girl, Marcus.' 'freak!' he screamed, and disapeared round the corner. 

 'And were you ever gonna come and help?' She was speaking to me now I knew it. I came out from behind the car 'uh I think you handled it okay by yourself...' I replied, she smiled ' so, what can you do?' she said it so upfront that at first I didn't know what she was talking about.'do what?' I said cautisously 'you know what I mean' she smirked  'how did you know?' 'god your so nieve, did you think you were the only one?' I don't know why but she made me feel llike a naughty schoolboy 'uh well' ' you're not alone, what did you think you were special or something?' 'well I'm not sure that everyone in world can walk on walls... so I guess that kinda makes you special, and that makes me special, so yeah' She was starting to annoy me a little. 

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