Who I am

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The corridors never seemed to end, each one seemed to another. There were domed doors set into the walls, each one had a silver plaque next to them saying 'Special Ed' in blue writing and then a gold number.  Cally was chatting non stop to North even though he wasnt listening properly, her gold hair swung as she walked catching the light from the glowing domes on the walls, i noticed that there wasn't a light fitting inside them, just lots of tiny gold things, flitting around.

North stopped out side a door. It was bigger than the rest, and a soft glow seemed to be coming from it. It drew me in, like a siren's song. In fact I was sure i could hear a soft singing, not humanly though.It was ethereal and beuatiful, it was getting stronger every second.It was entrancing. It reminded me of waves whispering and the first birdsong of spring and the first frost of winter. It filled my heart with happiness and a safe feeling. Cally smiled at me, er eyes had turned bright green, like the colour of dewey grass, I took a step back. north's eyes had changed too, his were electric blue, whereas Cass' had turned the colour of autumn leaves. 'Good luck' said cally, she smiled and opened the door. 

I turned to face it and everything dissolved. i was standing in an empty room. the walls were painted white, there was no door, no windows, just a room, which seemed like it would never end. I walked towards a wall and placed a hand on it, my hand went through it, like it was made of cloud. I fell through it and colour exploded in front of me. I was on the top of the building from my dream. And before I knew it, like every other time. I jumped..

Blackout and I was lying on the floor of a lab. Three people surounded me, they all had the faces of birds and they began to chatter loudly when they saw my eyes open, they whispered things in different languages, they were bent low over me, oversized eyes examining every deatail of my body. Waxy wings protruded from their backs, they flapped incessantly, making papers fly everywhere. I was drifting in and out of conciousness and before I knew it I had blacked out again.

When I woke again, I was sitting in a lavishly furnished room, books lined the walls, which were the colour of a holly bush. Everywhere I looked, there were books. Books piled beside me, books on tables, books on chairs. Books seemed to be holding up the whole room, they seemed to be stopping the very ceiling from collapsing in on itself.Because there were cracks stretching out across it and down the walls, tracing their way across the floor llike a web of vines. And every so often there were books crammed in deep crevices in the floor and walls, you could barely see the walls , however, because again books covered nearly every square inch of the peeling paint.Piled on top of each other, like some bizarre jenga tower, threatening to fall at any moment. The only thing that wasnt covered in books was a very large window that looked out on a wonderful view, in fact, it was the view from my dream.

 I was sitting in a worn out brown armchair, which was suprisingly comfortable and in front of me sitting on another chair was a man. He was rotund and red-faced, he had a kind smile and twinkling eyes, which made me feel like he already knew what was going on inside my head. Again, and not surprisingly, there was a book in his lap, but the title of it was obsucred by his thumbs.

'Welcome home Felix' he said smiling, he also had a note book on his lap with lots of scribbles on it in some strange shorthand. I said nothing. 'My names Wilson' his eyes twinkled even more. ' How long have I been out?' I asked, looking around 'not long' replied Wilson ' not long'  he opened a notepad on his lap and scribbled absently mindedly. 'So you ran away' he wasn't asking me, he was just stating the obvious. 'yes' I said 'why did you run away Felix?' said Wilson, his eyes bored into mine 'I, well,I have a problem' I stuttered, Wilson waited patiently ' you have a problem?' he seemed amused, his eyes twinkled and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. ' I blackout, sometimes, and when I wake up...' I replied, finding it hard to put the destruction and the white pain into words 'and when you wake up, everything is destroyed' said Wilson gently, and his wrinkled face broke into a smile. He stood up and placed the books on the chair.

'You know, Felix, you would be surpised how common that actually is. You would also be surprised, at how many people there are, like you...And you would again be surpised at the fact that you are... How shall we put it? Not alone.' upon seeing my face he smiled once more' no, Felix, you are most definetley     not alone.' he walked round the room and picked up another book. ' Do you like this room Felix?' he said, suddenly 'it is my favourite in the headquarters, so light and airy, yet so cosy.' he turned to me 'don't you agree?' he didn't wait for my reply, I couldn't think of one anyway, my head was to crowded with questions, ' I'm sure, of course, that you have many questions, but before you ask any of them, let me just set something straight.' He sat down 'My names Wilson, and no I cannot read your mind.' 

All this time, I have wondered if my life was going to go anywhere, whether I was just going to finish school, get a job, get married, have a family, grow old and pass on with no purpose, other than just to live. So long I have wondered what life was worth,why we are here. The ultimate question cannot be answered. I was scared, it is what I am most afraid of, living without purpose, dying with no one knowing who I was. I want to make an impact on the world, so that my life was worth something, so that I wasn't just another person passing through the world. And now, sitting here in that crowded room, with a strange man, and no idea what was going on, I realised that I was not just another person passing  through without a trace. Unless this was some kind of dream... In which case, there was nothing I could do.

'My names Felix, and I have no idea what's going on'  Wilson smiled, stood up and stretched out his hand ' I like you, kid, you can stay' I stood as well and shook his hand. Suddenly the world shook and the books tumbled to the ground, the glass in the window shattered and Wilson gripped my hand. 'Now for those questions of yours, hmm?' Then the room disappered and everything was blurry and silent like looking through a a tissue.And suddenly I was back in reality, but not, if you know what I mean, which I am sure you don't...

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