What I was then (edited)

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I had had this dream loads before, but it seemed different this time sharper, everything more defined. The previous times it had been like watching an old television, fuzzy and hard to make out, but standing on the top of the building now, I could see for miles.

 Rolling green fields and meadows stretched across the enormous expanse of land, a clear, cloudless sky looked down on the bubbling streams and waterfalls. Trees of every shape and size were dotted everywhere, some that didn’t even look real, like a child’s play-doh creation. Flowers of every colour I could think of and every shape there was filled the meadows like jewels glinting in the sunlight.  Rivers filled with water so blue it was almost green cut their way across the fields like ribbon.

And in the middle of it all was a girl.

She had long black hair and olive skin, and even from as far away as I was I could tell she was looking at me. At this point, always as soon as I had seen the girl, the building I stood on, something like 16 metres, started moving side to side trying to pitch me off.And then a yawning crevice just appeared, like it had been there all the time. I just hadn’t noticed it. I knew what was going to happen, I had done it before, always the same. I always resisted but it never worked.  

I jumped…

Everything went slow motion, like in movies, the roaring in my ears that had started when the building pitched, stopped. My body felt like lead, I couldn’t move my arms or my legs, my whole body was burning my muscles were stretched to breaking point. My vision went blurry and tears streamed out my eyes as I fell. I didn’t even utter a word. I never did. My eyes rolled in my head and I blacked out. 

The blackness was welcome, the pain was gone, I wasn’t aware of being, I felt like I was drifting through the sea but I couldn’t feel anything. I didn’t know if I was breathing, if I was alive even. And then something, I don’t know what, yanked me back to consciousness. And I was flying.

I felt like my whole body was made of cloud, I was weightless, defying gravity, the world had no rein on me now, I was free. The pain had stopped, I could see the girl, still looking at me.

 I was close enough to see her eyes now, like kaleidoscopes, I couldn’t quite decide what colour they were, they kept changing, one minute blue, the next clear green . She reached out and this was usually when I woke up but this time I didn’t. Her hand touched mine and she pulled me down. She was speaking, I could see her lips moving, she was desperately trying to tell me something. But I couldn’t hear what she was saying, it was like we were underwater the words were meaningless, like bubbles, she shook her head, there were tears in her eyes and let my go. I floated for a while like a balloon in the wind. Then she flickered and was gone. And so was I…

I was in my bed, my whole body bathed in sweat. I looked around my room, reassuring myself that I was back in reality. The dream had seemed so real this time. I swung my legs out on to the floor and stood up, my throat was dry so I slugged some water from the bedside table. The clock beside the glass read quarter to 6. 

I took a shower and got dressed, feeling less like a zombie, I threw back the curtains and sun streamed through the window, a thick layer of new snow lay on the ground. This December was very cold, we had had snow since November but no sun, today was a nice change, I felt like I had been living in a dark tunnel for two months.

It was ten past six by the time I was downstairs.  I poured myself a bowl of cereal and switched the TV on. The news was on default, the news-reader was talking about a robbery of a bank, ' we have just recieved information that a man who fits the description of the theif has been found, the suspect  was found with a car with the same regestration as the getaway car the theif used and we go to Sarah who is live at the scene of the crime, what has happened so far Sarah?' 

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