What I have seen

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It was a cold day in London, few people was stupid enough to go out in this weather. The sky was cloudless, and the streets deserted, frost painted the bare trees silver and a thin layer of snow rested upon grass paralysed by the cold. 

Hyde park was bare and frozen, but a certain beauty was held within it. A weak ray of sunlight poked through the trees, and a mysterious silence enveloped the park, as if it was holding its breath. A man appeared . He made his way through a knot of trees, silent footsteps in a silent park. Mist curled round his feet, like hungry dogs and frost clung to the hem of his coat, which barely brushed the floor.  His coat was black, and shapeless, he had dirty blond hair and pale skin, he was tall and lean and very  intimidating. And a sneer was spread across his face. Yet the weirdest thing about his man was not his smile, or his scar or even the black staff he carried, it was the fact that he had a baby in his arms.

He held it awkwardly,as if never having held one before. It was wrapped in shawls and its tiny, sleeping face was barely visible. A tuft of ash blond hair poked out. The man in the black coat sat down on a bench.He put the baby down next to him and stared at it for a while.He stood up, and without even a sign of remorse, he shoved his hands into his pockets and walked away, the mist swallowed him up, and he was gone. But Felix Fox slept on, alone, on a hard bench, on a cold january morning.


A chubby woman sat a a desk, she had a pile of papers on her desk and a filing cabinet behind her. Sitting in front of her, his overgrown ash blonde fringe falling in front of his dark eyes, was Felix Fox. 

The lady moved thin spectacles up her large nose ' Felix Fox' she said, staring at him 'what have you done today?' Felix stared back 'there was a fight' he stared harder ' why are you bothered?' He asked, the lady raised her eyebrows,Felix couldn't help thinking dimly that it made her look like a surprised owl. 'Well, Mr Fox, I am the Headmistress of this school, it is my job to be bothered.' Felix rolled his eyes while she leafed throught some papers 'yes Mrs Williams' Mrs Williams gave him a condescending look ' So... about that fight, then. I think I can hazard a guess that you were involved?' She took of here spectacles and rubbed the bridge of nose 'Of course, Mrs Williams... It wouldn't be a fight without me, would it?' Felix smiled, charismatically '...And the others involved?' Replied Mrs Williams 'Frank, Henry and Noah' smirked Felix 'naturally'  'I am giving you detention Felix, I should hope you will learn from this one, hmm?'  Mrs Williams perched her spectacles on her nose and scribbled something on a pink sheet of paper. Felix didn't protest, he just took the paper and left. 

Outside school, three boys were waiting for him,Felix hitched his backpack higher onto his shoulder, he knew what was comin.They appeared form behind a pillar. 'You didn't rat on me to my mum, dumbass, did you?' The first said, 'No, Frank' replied Felix, Frank punched him in the stomach. Felix gasped for breath 'Don't lie! C'mon, dumbass! Get up and fight? Or are you stupid and a priss?' The second one punched him in the jaw, Felix felt warm blood trickle down his face ' Shut up, Henry' Felix managed, as the third shoved him to the ground and all three kicked him. ' C'mon dumbass! Get up! '

Felix stumbled home, bruised and beaten, his foster parents were at work. He cleaned himself up and  packed a bag. He opened the door and walked out, he looked at the house, shut the door and ran to the park.He didnt want to run away, but he did. 


A boy stood on the kerb of a grimy alley, he had a rucksack on his back and ripped jeans, his wide, dark eyes were watching something, someone. A woman was walking throught the alley, she was dressed smartly, with hair scraped into a neat bun, and a briefcase in one hand. The boy regarded her, in a split second, he had made a decision. He moved quickly.He sat down on the kerb and hid his rucksack behind his back, he placed a paper cup on the ground next to him and closed his eyes. He could hear the echoing footsteps of the woman's high heels on cobbled stone and knew she was close. He wet his lips. She drew closer, she was right next to him. He opened his eyes, they were shining with tears that had not been there before. The woman stopped abruptly and rooted around in her bag, she dropped a 10 pound note in the cup and walked on. She glanced at her silver watch and trotted off. The boy smiled. 

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