Chapter 9

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I washed my wounds as gentle as I could and made sure to be careful on my hand and foot. When I got done I put on A towel and limped back into Marie's room where her and Jannah was talking. "Jannah you can get in the shower now." "Ok" she got up and left. "Where are you hurt at?" "Im stabbed in my shoulder and the back of my thigh so let's get that glen car of first." "Ok let my go get the first aid kit." she left and came back about a minute later. She kneeled down behind me and revealed the wound, nothing else though. She put something cold on it "What's that?" "Just some Neosporin." she then tapped some gaws on it and wrapped it up. Marie did the same exact thing with my shoulder. "Thank you for letting us in tonight and helpin out with this." "No problem. I noticed you were limping... which ankle?" I shook my head. "No it's my foot not my ankle." I lifted my left foot toward her and she took her time wrapping it up. "And my hand." she glanced at my hand and back at me. "Do you want to just go to the hospital tht looks pretty bad?" I got a little frustrated. "No I'm good. I been through worse trust me." "Ok ok." she said holding her hands up. Marie finished wrapping up my bruised up wrist. She grabbed some clothes out the dresser and handed them to me. "Here you can sleep in these and I know you don't want to sleep in my bed so there is a guest room next to my room." she said in a giggle. I slightly smiled back so that I wouldn't seem bitter. "You live alone?" "No actually I live with my dad but he's a work right now." I nodded. "Well thank you a lot we should be out by the morning time." "Y'all don't gotta leave that early." "But we are so goodnight." I found the guess room then changed into the clothes she gave me. I laid down and prayed until I fell asleep in my tears.

Jannah POV

I walked out the shower, wiped off the mirror with my hand and looked at my head in the mirror. I had bruise on my right ribs and gash on my head. "I'm so glad I didn't die tonight." I said to myself. I wrapped in a towel then went into Marie room. "Where Skye?" "Guest room. want me to take care of that?" she said motioning my forehead. "Yea please." I sat next to her on the bed and tied up my damp hair so she'd have a better veiw. "Ssss damn that's bad. Your sister's was pretty bad too, I just didn't want to say it." I didn't respond as she continued to cover the gash. When she was done she gave me a serious look. "So what happened?" I sighed and looked away. "Do you have any clothes I can sleep in?" she got up and handed me some. "Thank you Marie." she chuckled. "Im back to Marie now? I thought I was wifey?" I gave her stale look. She cleared her throat "Sorry." "It's coo, you don't mind if I change right here do you?" "No." she laid back on her ed watching tv. I took the towel off and put on the clothes. I brushed my hair back into a bun. "You sleepy with me?" "Sure. Skye needs her own relaxin time alone." "You know she seem like you mother more than your sister." "I mean it kinda is like that. She has always taken care of me and watched me so I guess you can say that." Marie smiled. "I wonder what it would be like to have a mama." "Trust me some mamas aren't what you expect." "What do you mean?" I shook my head. "Just what I said." "Ok well goodnight jannah." "Night." she turned the light and the tv off. I snuggled under the comforter just staring out the window. Soon I started praying and tried my best to sleep.

Andre POV

I woke up and checked my phone. Still nothing. I haven't heard from Skye since she left the hotel yesterday morning. I decided to get up and clear my head. I showered and put on some clothes. I grabbed my phone and it was 8 am. grabbed the keys and left. I drove all around and then decided to drive around in my old neighborhood. I drove and drove thinking of all the good memories that were there. Getting my first kiss ok the corner, loosing my virginity in that house, riding my bike down the hill, it goes on. Then the bad memories like when I got shot at for the first time, where I got my first gun, and when I have to sell rocks when I was younger so that we can live better. I sighed and drove Further down the street to the apartments where freaky Gabby with the braces live. I seen a bunch of smoke and got real confused. I got closer and saw the whole place on fire with news reporters and fire trucks out side. I stopped across the street in front of a house like it was mine, just do that I could listen to the new reporter.

NR:"Breaking News this tragic Sunday morning. Porium Apartments on 30th street caught on fire. We do not know what the cause of the fire was but this fire has left a tragedy. 13 bodies were found in 3 different apartments. Other tenants got out some say that there was a knock and a note at their door saying quote "Leave now or you'll regret it." there was not evidence of such notes. One man says he thought it was a prank until his wife spotted a started fire on the top floor which lead them to evacuate. Some of the bodies weren't easy to identify but we believe that the bodies are 15 year old Jannah Walker, 16 year old Skye Walker, and 48 year old Hellena Garder. There were other bodies at the scene that are still being discovered. Back to you John."

I froze for a while not even believing what the new reporter just said. I know I just started talking to shorty but would I sound crazy if I said that I was feelin her that fast. I started the car back up and drove away.

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