Chapter 30

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Today I'm going to lunch with Cory and she made it clear not to invite anyone, especially Lisa. I wonder what it's about but I'll find out.

I pulled into the parking lot of Firehouse Subs and slid on my shades. I walked into the restaurant and spotted Cory over by the wall on her laptop.

"Hey." She said with a cheery smile.

"Hi. You ordered your food already?"

"Yea I ordered yours too."

I nodded.

"Ok coo. So what's up?"

"Ok so you remember the other day when me and you went to my hair appointment and Lisa tagged along?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Well she said something to me that gave me conformation that, that bitch is crazy."

I frowned.

"What do you mean?"

She leaned in closer to me and whispered.

"I think she may be the one behind the whole cookie situation."

I looked at her for a second then burst into laughter.

"Whats so funny? I'm serious Skye."

"Yea I bet you are. Look Cor I understand you don't like Lisa but so you really have to try and prove something like this on Lisa. I don't think she's capable of doing what happened."

"Oh you don't?"


She smirked.

"Well I have evidence that I'm right."

"Continue." I said while slightly laughing.

"For starters she lied about being friends with Yolanda."

"The friend of yours that does hair?"

"Yea. Come to find out Yolanda has never heard of a Lisa Fedison."

"And? She lied about being friends with a beautician so what?"

"Let me finish. When you left off to the restroom she made a remark about Andre and Jannah getting drugged."

"What she say?"

"She asked how were they."


"AND you told me you didn't tell her about that situation, right?"

"Right but she could have found out some other way."

"What other way?? Who could have to her??"

I was silent thinking about if Helena told her.

"That's not all." She turned her laptop around to face me.

"Are you sure your as close to this girl as you say you are? Check this out. She was supposedly checked into a mental facility about a year ago and was recently discharged 4 months ago."

I was stared at the computer screen silently reading.

"Remember how you told me she came up missing and you thought she was dead?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Same exact time she was checked into the facility."

"Bull shit, Cory."

"No, truth Skye. This bitch is setting you up and you can't even see it. She's crazy Skye. For heaven's sake is her name really Lisa??"

I sighed and shook my head.

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