Chapter 22

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A Few Days Later

I sat next to Andre thinking. Thinking of how sick his mother really was. I understand they both didn't have a good history but when he said she was crazy I'm just now believing it.

I looked over at Andre when I thought I heard him make a noise but he wasn't moving. All of a sudden my phone vibrated. I grabbed it out my bag to see Kamari calling.


Kamari:"Wassup Skye?"

Me:"Nothin still at the hospital."

Kamari:"Ah yea?"

Me:"Yea I thought I heard him make a noise but... I guess not."

Kamari:"He will come through soon. Just keep praying." I nodded as if he could see me.

Me:"I will. But can I talk to you about something?"

Kamari:"Sure." I sighed.

Me:"So you know how Ms. Karen wants to pull the plug right?"

Kamari:"What?? No I  didn't know that." I frowned.

Me:"Well yea she said I that to me the other day."

Kamari:"Hm. I bet she did."

Me:"What are you trying to say?"

Kamari:"I'm saying... I'm not surprised she would say some twisted shit like that. What did she say exactly?"

I switched my phone to my right ear.

Me:"She basically said she's pulling the plug and he is in his last days. Which shouldn't be spent with me. She makes it seem like it's safer for him to just end it now than to put himself in anymore danger." I heard him sigh through the phone.

Kamari:"Dont worry about it I will talk to Tera about it later she the only I think I can trust to talk to about it. When is she planning on doing this?"

Me:"Like a few days."

Kamari:"This bitch is crazy."

Me:"I know and I'm just now finding that out after all the times Andre told me she was."

Kamari:"I know right. I'll get it taken care of." I was silent, hoping he would keep his word but either way I was going to take care of it myself anyway.

Kamari:"So how's Jannah doing?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

Me:"Oh so your worried about her now?"

Kamari:"I mean the baby and all that." I chuckled at the embarrassment in his voice.

Me:"They are good... Eating everything like always."

Kamari:"Forreal? She eating all that wierd shit like pickles and ice cream?"

Me:"Not really her cravings are actually wierder than that."

He laughed.

Kamari:"Shouldve known... Do y'all know what she's having yet?"

Me:"A boy."

Kamari:"Thats wassup." I sighed.

Me:"Kamari if you are so interested just call her and better yet stop by and see her."

Kamari:"I can't Cynthia won't like that."

Me:" Fuck Cynthia you have a baby on the way Kamari drop the act already. You know you wanna see her as much as she wants to see you, you ask about her all the time."

Kamari:"I'll see but I gotta go thanks for telling me about

Karen. Ims get on that."

Me:"Mhm." I hung up the phone and laid next to Andre in the big hospital bed. I smiled and kissed him. "I'll be here waiting on you..." I snuggled up to his still body and went to sleep.

Jannah's POV

"This is some bomb ass ice cream." I said out loud to myself. I took another bite of my snickers ice cream while watching Fresh Prince. *Ding dong* I jumped when I heard the door bell ring. Then struggled out my bed and moved to the front door. "Who is it!?" "Kamari..." I frowned and opened the door keeping the chain on it.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Just dropping by." "Well Skye is at the hospital with Andre right now so why are you dropping by?"

"Can I come in?" "No your ok where you are." He sighed and put a hand in his pocket. "I have food." My eyes widened and I opened the door all the way. "Where??" He stepped is the house exposing his other hand was empty. I smacked my lips. "Now you owe me." "Mmm not really." I sighed and leaned against the wall. "What do you want?" "I wanna talk about our son." He said smirking. "Correction, MY son." "Damn like that?" "Yes like that." "Just cause I didn't bring you food?" He said laughing "It ain't that damn funny and it has nothing to do with that and you know it." I said with an attitude. "Well fill me in."  "No problem. This is my son for the simple fact that my own sister has to play daddy all the time & your not around to take your role because your little girlfriend doesn't want you around me or my baby. So since you can't be a fucking man and take on your respondsibilities cause some BITCH came between us then you don't have a son, I have a son Kamari!" He rubbed his temples. "See I should have known it was going to end up this way ima just leave." I hate when he walks out on discussions cause we never get anywhere. "Yes that's right leave you fuckin coward cause you know it's the damn truth!" I said pushing him towards the door. "You stupid bitch that's why I hate you! You were never there for me Kamari you hurt my heart so much you don't understand how bad I'm hurt why would you do me like this!? What did I ever do was I not good enough!? Why did you choose her over me what was it!?" At this point this was unchanneled anger coming out and it felt good to get it off my chest so I didn't stop. "Jannah I-" "what am I not pretty enough!?" "Li-" "I would have done anything to be with you and this is how you treat me Kamari!" "Ju-" "Like shit!" I cut him off again. "Treated me like shit and you still do!" "I'm-" I cut him off again. "I gave you my virginity Kamari you were my everything.... But you'd rather have trash huh!?" I said pushing his chest. He pinned my hands up against the wall. "Calm yo ass down!.. I love you girl! I can't get over to ass! As much as I'm away from you I love you even more! So don't tell me I don't care cause if I didn't then i wouldnt be here trying to fix it!" At this point I noticed I had been crying and couldn't stop the tears. "Why did you do what you did to me then?" I asked lowly. "Shit... That was nearly 5 months ago... Alots changed. I'm sorry." I shook my head. "Leave her then..." "It aint that easy..." "What's not so easy about it?" He sighed and scratched his head. "You don't understand. You can't just up and leave somebody because I love somebody else that ain't fair." "Oh it's not fair? What about my feelings why didn't you make it fair for me. Look at me I'm damn near 18 and I'm 5 months pregnant I didn't want this life. I had so much ahead of myself and now look at me. I don't even have a job Kamari I'm living with my sister and she is starting her own life when I'm stuck in her house pregnant as hell." "Well let me take care of you.." "No... That won't be fair right?"

Skye's POV

I cut off the bathroom light and walked back into the room. I looked over at Andre who was just staring at me. "Oh my God Andre you scared me..." "Andre?" He sat there blank with no expression. "Fuck." I rushed over to his bed pressing his emergency button repeatedly.  A nurse finally came bursting into the room. "What's going on!?" "I don't know what's going on he just started looking like this I don't know why" I stood there nervous as she checked his eyeballs and breathing. She finally took a sign of relief. "Ok.. there's nothing to worry about he is just in shock this tends to happen while in a coma. Usually the eyes roll back in the head signaling the patient having a longer coma than expected. It's called Schronical Felia. He may even shake at times but don't freak out just press that button and we'll calm his nerves." I nodded taking deep breaths. "Ok why does this happen?" "The body isn't used to being at rest this long or being fed through tubes this long so it just starts to adapt to it is all. And he is able to hear everything going on around him but cannot respomi cause he is still in a deep sleep." I nodded again. "Ok... So does this mean his coma may be longer than expected?" "Um I don't know exactly, I dint think so though, we will have to wait until the doctor gets here in the morning to check him." "So what can you do?" She sighed. "All I can do right now is give him the insulin to get his body back to state and close his eyes." "Aright." She left out room and I sat down next to him. "We'll get through this... Andre I promise."



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