End of the Day

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Hold out your hand, wrap it around my neck
A little below, massage my shoulders
At the end of a tiring day
Even if the sun has already come up
I’m finally closing my eyes

I close the door to my day later than others
Playfully tickle my earlobe
Because even though we’ve been in different worlds all day
We always end the day together

Your small shoulders, your small hands
Become my cozy blanket at the end of a tiring day
You did a good job today, you worked so hard
I hope my shoulders and my thick hands
Will become cozy comfort
For the end of your tiring day as well
I want to naturally sync my breathing with yours

Like water in a bathtub that wraps around you
With no space left
I wanna warmly hold you without any space left
At the end of my day, filled with awkward mistakes
You, my prize, are waiting for me

Your small shoulders, your small hands
Become my cozy blanket at the end of a tiring day
You did a good job today, you worked so hard
I hope my shoulders and my thick hands
Will become cozy comfort
For the end of your tiring day as well
I want to naturally sync my breathing with yours

I can’t cry all I want or even laugh all I want
At the end of a tiring day but still, if I’m next to you
Like a child, I can whine and then laugh
Till I run out of breath
I’m not used to seeing myself like this

You did a good job today, you worked so hard
You are my prize

You did a good job today, you worked so hardYou are my prize

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