Undercover Love #15

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Recap: Neil saved Avni and Ali with the help of the police.

Ali was looking Neil, "Yaar she did so much to you and you didn't want to take any kind of revenge on her? I mean she hit you cursed you and more. She made you to her personal punching bag." Ali was waiting for his reply,

Neil got confused, "I was on duty like her. It's okay. Whatever she did, she had to do. She needed to maintain her anger and her behaviour toward Vid. She hated him and his men's as well, it's okay she did it with me, what if she really hurt one of his men's? Balu had his doubt and it was known she is a cop. So better me than her." He said with a smile on his face and left from there to his apartment.

Ali smiles. I will make sure you both will find the way to each other. You both make an amazing pairing. You just need the right Cupid.

Ali was driving to his place, he finally reached home and his phone starts to ring. Ali picked up the receiver.

"Hello Ali speaking here.0

"Finally you are home, how long did you had to stay at the police headquarter? Papa has come an hour before and I had tired to call you more than once." She wasn't giving him the moment to speak.

"Shut up and let me speak. I'm not like Neil who can bear the torture of you. I'm Ali special force and because of you have got suspended from my duty for two weeks. Before returning home I had to give my report and that is the result of helping a friend. Oh my and not only this no you are here to taunt me because I didn't contact you as soon as I come home. For you kind information I just arrived home." He finally took a breath and heard it.

*munch munch munch*

"What the hell! Are you eating?"

Avni took another bite from her apple, she was chewing loudly, "okay. Now listen let's meet tomorrow. We have to work together on the Vid file. You know the state prosecutor has called me for my statement and testifying of his men's and works." She said in amusement.

Ali shook his head, "what so soon, okay what about Neil, did you informed him?"

Avni fumes, "what you mean what about him? Why should I do the work of other's? Don't you think he would get informed by his senior or commissioner!" She shouts at him and Ali nods keeping the receiver far away.

"Yeah. You are right. Do you want his number I can give you!" He said with a little smirk on his face, he was wishing to see her numb face.

"Avni you still there?" He asked innocently to gain her attention back, "Okay fine, I will talk to him as I was about to meet him tomorrow. He invited me to his place for breakfast."

He was waiting for a reaction, but there was nothing, "should I pick up you?" He asked and she finally replied, "why?"

Ali was murmuring something under his breath, "this girl will never change."

"Did you said something?" She asked and he just replied, "nothing. Be ready at 9 o'clock I will pick up then we will go to the public prosecutor's office."

"With or without Neil?" As she was confused, "I mean you are invited for breakfast I'm not, I have no idea if he got the call from the prosecutor to be there. Is he even required for this work?" She didn't liked the fact that Neil saved her.

Ali just rolls his eyes, "good night!" He cut the call before she could say anything, just then he received a message from Neil.

•just got the order to meet the state prosecutor. Sorry have to cancel the breakfast, another?•

Ali smiles bright. He lifts his hands for a pray 🤲 Shukhar Khuda ka {Thank you God}

Ali took his phone and messaged him back.

•great even Avni and I got the call. Let's meet there at 9:30 a.m.?•

Neil replies fast


It was the next morning

All had a peaceful sleep as they were finally back home in their four walls.

Avni was waiting for Ali, he drove to her gateway, she hopped into the car and from there they drove silently to the office of the prosecutor.

Avni was thinking of oh yeah Neil. Uhm didn't Ali said he is going to meet Neil to have breakfast. But it looks like he just had his food on the way to me. I can see the crumbs of the bun on his shirt.

They reached the office and who was standing there Neil.

Neil smiles looking at them, "Hey Ali, how are you?"

Ali nods, "I'm fine and you?"

Neil smiles, "me too, Hi Avni how are you?"

Avni rolls her eyes, "my day started good, but don't know where the grey clouds come from." She said glaring at him, he confuses and moves backwards.

"Shall we go in?" Ali asked to reduce the tension between them.

Neil opens the door and they entered the big building one after one, the got all the floor number and entered the elevator, Avni pushed the button and they were waiting...


The elevator stopped at the 3rd floor of the building, they knocked on the door of the prosecutor and the door opens.

A woman was sitting on the chair, she looked up.

"Good Morning!" She stood up and gave each of them the hand to shake, "my name is Shruthi Kapoor I'm the state prosecutor

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"Good Morning!" She stood up and gave each of them the hand to shake, "my name is Shruthi Kapoor I'm the state prosecutor. Nice to meet you all."

"Nice to meet you too." They said in union.

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I also changed the cover that you all know.

I also changed the cover that you all know

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