Undercover Love #2

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I changed the undercover name of Neil from Naresh to Neev Surajlover.

Recap; Neil started his undercover job n got the job as the new bodyguard of Vidhyut. Avni is captured by him n Neil has felt some connection to her.

Vidhyut; Avni come we r going home.

Avni was angry she fumes giving him a death glare.

Avni was angry she fumes giving him a death glare

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Avni; Vidhyut I'm not ur property. How many times should I tell U! don't try to boss over me!

Vidhyut hold her wrist with a strength that she shouts in pain.. Aahh

Her eyes become teary

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Her eyes become teary. Vidhyut leave me... leave my hand u r hurting me!.

Neil was getting angry - what kind of man is he? First he abducted her n now he is hurting her? Is this love or possession? -.

Avni went over her wrist with her other hand. She was caressing it. Vidhyut; Neev from now on u will be her bodyguard no one is allowed to talk to her without my permission. If someone tries to touch her cut his hands off!.

Neil nods. Will be done Sir. He walks to Avni but she didn't looked at him once. - don't worry Miss I'm here to rescue U from him! -.

Vidhyut; Avni! His voice was devilish dangerous... she fears. Neil could see her tears he was feeling hurt...

His anger raised toward Vidhyut

Avni moves in scare n Neil was right behind her

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Avni moves in scare n Neil was right behind her. He got a gun from Vidhyuts loyal man. Balu he is as cruel as Vidhyut but he works for him as his executor he kills without thinking.

They were now at the road walking to the car when they got attacked from another gang.

Neil - shit Is it a test or reality? Damn it! -.

Avni was hiding behind a car. Neil took out his gun he just got n starts firing on the other gang members.

 Neil took out his gun he just got n starts firing on the other gang members

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He walked to Avni. She was crying n he was fuming in anger

Vidhyut; Kill then no one of them should survive

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Vidhyut; Kill then no one of them should survive.

Neil - what the hell! No! -.

Neil was firing from his gun n shots on ones shoulder. Vidhyut; I said kill him. Neil; Sir listen if we keep him alive u can torture him n then u can find out who is behind this attack. Then u can take revenge. If we kill them all then we won't have another change like this.

Vidhyut was thinking. Balu; Vid he is right u r taking action under ur anger he has taking action with a clear mind. Vidhyut; fine get him. Tied him up n put him in the car booth.

Balu gave Neil a rope he ties the goon n they put him in booth of the car n started to drive.

Neil n Balu were at the front seats. Avni n Vidhyut at the backseats. Avni was shivering n crying. It was Neil who gave her a handkerchief.

Neil; u r ruining boss car! Clean ur face. Avni turns her face but she took the handkerchief. Vid was amused.

Neil - it was not a trick this was a real attack! -

Balu; u think fast that is very gud! Neil nods thank u!

Balu; where t u from? I have never seen u before!

Neil; I'm from Delhi I was working for xyz but they got caught we had a interior in our group.

Balu; what?

Neil; an informant {khabri} he was giving each n every step of us to the police behind our backs.

Vid; Balu! Check his story.

Balu took out his gun in sec. He put on the break n points the gun on Neil's face.

Neil shocks he lifts his hands. Cool man! U can make ur phone I won't runaway with a gun pointing on my handsome face.

Avni huffed.

Vid; don't talk much. Balu!

Balu took out his mobile with his free hand. N calls his informant...


Will be Neil's story save?
Is he save?
Will they find the interior in the police force???

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