Undercover Love #4

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Hi sorry for the delay.

Recap; Neil got into the fortress of Vidhyut. He is the personal bodyguard of Avni.

Neil comes out of the washroom he rechecked his belongings n went to the room which he has to share with a dozen no 2 dozen of man..

Yah Khuda meri izaat Baachana {oh God please  help me not to get raped}.

Neil took a corner of the room which was empty. He was observing the other's how they r living under one roof n room 😢😭.

A man comes to him. R u new?

Neil - yeh bhi kiya koi poochne wali baat hai {did he really asked me}? -. Yes Ne... Neev n ur name?

The man; Adeel nice to meet I

Neil; Nice to meet u 2! Both shake hands.

Adeel; be careful thieves loves to steal from other thieves.

Neil; thanks for the warning I was wondering y they all r keeping their belongings next to them.. don't we have a locker or something like this?

Adeel; sorry no yaar. They don't want to give us these prestigious things after all if they accept one demand then we will ask again n again... they will get fed up soon.

Neil laughs. Haha u r the first thieve who is that honest to me!

Adeel smiles lightly...

Neil saw that but he didn't want to drag especially not if there r more than one thief in the same room.

Adeel; u need a pillow n duvet right?

Neil nods.

Adeel; don't worry I will get it for U!

Neil; thanks buddy!

Adeel; mention not.

Adeel leaves n Neil thought what to do he is hiding something but I can't ask him without revealing my true identity... damn it!

Adeel comes back like he said a pillown n a duvet. Neil took off his shoes he kept them under his pillow. His jacket he kept on.

He dozed away... 😴😴😴

On the next morning when he woke up.. he was happy his belongings were with him. Nothing was stolen by the other's.

He took a shower n got clothes from Balu.

Balu; these r import clothes all out guards n workers has to wear them.

Neil gave him a look.. Like really this???.
Balu; what if u don't want then leave the door is open!

Neil took the clothes he releases a breath as he could keep on his jacket n shoes.

Neil took the clothes he releases a breath as he could keep on his jacket n shoes

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He was going to Avnis room n was abt to knock when he hears some voices...

Avni was talking to someone in person not on phone he could hear a male voice... wait I have heard his voice before... Adeel! What the hell is he doing inside her bedroom! Damn it!

Neil looked left n right n entered her room without permission. Adeel n Avni looked at him in fear but Neil closed the door behind him immediately.

Avni; what r u doing here?
Neil; saving ur ass!
Adeel; please is that a way to talk to a woman?
Neil; looked at him with big eyes n a pout on his face. Sorry but don't u have some brain y u entered the room! N y the hell were u arguing?
Avni; non of ur business now get out before I call for Vid!
Neil smirks. okay go on call him!
Adeel; shut up both of u! Listen I...
Neil; 🤫.  He walks to the door n was hearing some noises of footsteps... he shows them to stay quiet.

The footsteps vanished. Neil; I don't know what is going on but I won't tell anyone. Just be careful next time it could be someone else! Adeel nods. Avni please don't try to runaway this time. Avni; Ali how long will I have to stay in this prison? I can't I want to go home I come for me! Please do something...

Neil; wait Ali u r not a thief?

Ali n Avni exchanges gazes...

Ali; no I'm Adeel.

Neil; hmm Whiskey?

Ali; on the rocks...

Neil; verify urself!

Ali; Ali Rehman special force. U

Neil; Neil Khanna Undercover Police Force Mumbai... I'm here for the safety of Miss Avni!

Ali; Avni is my friend I shouldn't have come here but I couldn't take any risk. I need to save her.

Neil; okay but right now u r helping no one in fact U r risking ur n my identity!

Ali; I know I'm sorry but this woman here is just too stubborn. She doesn't understand the risk of her doings.

Neil; ya I understood this back in the club...

The knob of the door was twirling....

Hope u liked it?!

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