Chapter 3

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Eudosia's P.O.V

|Gotham City

|July 4th 11:40 EDT

"Lend me your phone."

I raised a brow at Grayson, his hand outstretched towards me. I looked around me, to see if he was talking to anyone else. We were, apparently, at the entrance of our school, with everyone evacuated here.

Here we are, after everyone that was left unfrozen, gathered in the most scariest place to be right now - an open aired field, with maximum space to allow Mr Freeze to freeze us all to death. Great thinking to whomever actually planned the evacuation route.

"I won't do anything out of the ordinary. Don't worry."

Most of the people here were staring at us here, now I'm freaking uncomfortable... I pointed to myself, with a look of confusion.

"Who else would I be talking to, beautiful?" He winked at me, causing my face to flush red, my eyes meeting his, not backing down. He seemed genuinely interested and wanted my number. Than again, he could be playing at an angle whereby I'm just someone he wanted to conquer.

I raised a brow, still very suspicious of what he was about to do. Like... bruh. Bruh. No thanks.

"I promise on my life, I won't do anything crazy." He says, smiling at me, his eyes looking into mine, the sincerity rolling off his every word.

The people around us, especially the ladies, started a little commotion. Promise my foot, yo!

"Yeah right, and I'm Voldemort." I nearly said, but bit my tongue, and shook my head, clearly telling him that I would not simply hand it over to him. I walked away, not wanting to have anything to do with this popular gang stuff. Just as I'm about to walk out, his gang just corners me off, and I'm unable to leave.

"Just for one teeny minute?" He asks again, giving me the smile he uses on every lady.

Hesitantly, I took out my phone, placing it in his palms. He grinned at me mischievously. I held onto my phone tightly, while he gave it a gentle tug, and placed his hand gently on mine, while I slowly released my grip on it. I have a bad feeling about this...

He then took out his phone and started to dial something, I suspect, his number. This guy just doesn't understand that I want to be alone now, doesn't he? I really am unsociable. I can't make friends. Why doesn't he understand that when I'm here still pushing him away over and over again, refusing to speak to him and just glaring at him? Are my signs not visible enough?

He soon returns my phone back to me and he smiled.

"You stay put, alright? I'm going in to scout for any other students inside."

I'm not sure if it's just my instinct, but he was probably lying. He wasn't looking directly into my eyes when he said that, and he was very... fidgety...

I checked my phone. I couldn't find any new contact... Well... then what the hell did he take my phone for...

I began to wonder... was he that shaken or was he so willing to risk his life to safe others? Usually, the rich billionaires would save their lives first, then others. It's rather... overwhelming.

Everyone was evacuated from school and sent home immediately, the principal was afraid that "Mr Freeze" would harm us and quickly dismissed school for the rest of the day. Early release from hel- I mean school! Yay!

Across the school, was Central Park and Mr Freeze was still icing all the poor, innocent families having a picnic. When suddenly, Boy Wonder suddenly came in and threw in his own throwing disks at Freeze, giving Batman the distraction he needed and Batman managed to send a kick to Mr Freeze's suit, causing his glass helmet to crack.

Lost, Murder, Violence. ( A Young Justice Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now