Chapter 15

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Eudosia P.O.V

|Gotham City

|September 25th 23:30 EDT

"You've got to be kidding me..." I groaned to Eugene, his reflection seen through the mirror, "you didn't warn me?"

Ronnie boy was staring at me like I had gone full-out psycho on him.

"You looked like you were having fun with that guy..." Eugene says, pouting as he walks in the reflection, "besides, he thinks you've gone crazy right now."

"For someone who's ancient, almighty and immortal with all the knowledge in the world, you just jeopardized my cover." I mumbled, face-palming myself, letting the smack of the skin contact of my hand to my face echo around the room.

"My apologies, but it's far too late for that now isn't it?" Eugene says, his mask showing a smirk. Now I know how Dick felt when I smirked at him. Very pissed off.

"Eugene. You're freaking me out. Why are you talking..." Roy says, giving me an unreadable look, "to your own reflection?"

"I see shit you can't see Ronnie boy," I said, hoping to change the subject, "deal with it that I'm more awesome than you."

"No I will not deal with it until you tell me who the hell that was..." he says pointing to the door, "and who's Eudosia cause that name sounds familiar."

I face-palmed myself once more and heaved a sigh. Trust the bigger guy to ignore a warning that beautiful uncle of mine came to visit me now and scream my name at the top of his bloody lungs.

"Fine..." I groaned, "my house I leave for Uncle Harond, my iPod I leave to Aunt Gen and my fine china sitting innocently with spaghetti waiting on it to Roy-"

"Cut with it!" Roy snaps his fingers in front of me.

"Fine. We're leaving. As long as he doesn't realize we're here, we should be fi-"

Roy looks as though he's about to burst from either anger, fatigue or amusement. Suddenly, he faints on me, causing me to be slumped against the wardrobe.

"Or you can faint right now while my uncle's still here raiding my house."

"Eudosia. I know you're here," my uncle shouts, "you left your phone here." Well, forgot about that now, didn't we?

I cursed under my breathe... I couldn't take out my mask and risk letting Roy know my identity. Do I trust him? Yes. However, even if he did trust me with his identity, I had told him a lie about mine. I did not wish to lose my friend's trust...

While on the other hand, I couldn't let my uncle know about what really did happen to me now could I?

I considered throwing Roy out of the window, then removing my disguise... but that would be unfair to poor o'l Roy. He's tired and sick and yet I harboured thoughts of throwing him out of my house on to the cold hard ground for the sake of my secret identity...

"I'm giving you to the count of ten Eudosia."

That caused me to enter a panic-stricken mode and push Roy onto my parent's bed, then quickly saying the command code, getting the mask and the chest plates plus other manly-looking-fake body parts off me and letting my scarlet hair cascade down my back. Using my telekinesis, I placed my stuff into the cupboard, along with Roy's stuff at top speed and quickly stepped out of my parent's room, into the living room, where my uncle was staring at me.

"Thre-" He stopped half way as he took a look at me, "how's that niece of mine eh?"

I looked at him, confused, "You saw me this morning."

"I know." He says, smirking as he collapsed onto the sofa, looking at me again with all amusement flushed from his face, "I meant how are you holding up..."

"Fine." I shrugged, giving him as little words as possible. It's the usual routine for me to talk yet bot feel like talking.

"You actually expect me to believe that you are alright?"

"Well, yes." I said, twirling my scarlet lock. He and I were two very different people. I had inherited my father's red locks and green eyes, while my uncle's green eyes continued to hold it's stern gaze.

"By the way, I came to tell you that your cousins have arrived in Gotham," my uncle says as he plops down on the couch, my eyes widening.

"Before you start asking if I'm serious, yes I am serious that Luke and Roy are in Gotham." He says, staring out of the window, "also, we are going to officially sign you into our family."

I gave him a confused look, causing him to sigh.

"Your new name will be Eudosia Rewop Harper,"

Suddenly, I heard the opening of the door, causing it to smash into the wall.

"What?!" Roy shouts as he enters the room.

"Roy! Good to see you again, son!" My uncle says, offering an embrace to Roy.

"You are not my father," Roy says, stepping away from him, "and I am not your son!"

"I see you've met your cousin. Hurts to know that me, as your father, doesn't matter anymore."

"Cousin?!" We both exclaim, exchanging confusing glances.

Roy's eyes narrows while he glares at my uncle, me looking between them. Then, I noticed how dumb I was not to notice the similarities. Their bright emerald eyes and red hair, their chiselled features and the menacing and cold tone they have when they're angry.

"Leave." Roy says, with gritted teeth, his fist clenched.

My uncle gives a smug look, smirking at Roy, "make me."

Roy moves a step in front, giving a menacing gaze, while my uncle stands very still, raising his head confidently., causing a deafening silence to fall in the room.

I quickly stepped between them, pushing them away from each other. Well, we all know that men are always the masculine gender, rendering my hands useless.

Suddenly, someone's phone rang, breaking the unbearable tension in the room.

"Uncle." I broke the silence, seeing that nobody was doing anything, "your phone is ringing, are you not going to pick it up?"

Uncle Harond looked at Roy to me then back to Roy. Roy simply smirked, a smug look that covered a thousand words beneath. I have a feeling that we'll be having words later.

"Of course. Goodbye Eudosia," he says, nodding to me, "Roy..."

With that he walks out of my door, a surge of relief plunges through me, letting me heave a sigh.

"So... when the hell were you going to tell me this... cousin?" Roy says the last word with venom.

Oh boy...

To Be Continued


Lost, Murder, Violence. ( A Young Justice Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now