Chapter 5

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Richard's P.O.V.

|Gotham City

|July 7th 19:40 EDT

I watched her close her eyes and fall asleep. Brushing the few strands of hair away from her face, I closely observed her features, something I was unable to do over the past few weeks. I've been itching to get close to her ever since I first saw her a few weeks back, but I could never find any possible moment to talk to her until a few days ago. 

Her long, wavy scarlet hair under the illuminated hospital light appeared purple, her full, kissable pink lips were quite dry and there was a newly formed scar across her left eye from the previous incident. Whoever did it, obviously had no intentions of permanently obliterating her. Or practically not knew of her at all...

It wasn't unusual to see her getting bullied... it happens to everyone on the first day of school, even me. I remembered what happened to her on the first day of school, she obviously didn't stand by and let herself get bullied like others normally would... 


|Gotham City

|June 3rd 12:46 EDT

"It looks like we have another new student." Barbara said as we saw the new girl walked into the cafeteria, "didn't we already have a new student... A ginger?"

"That ginger become a cheer leader, Barbara! One of Max's little whores," said a brunette, Angeline, running a hand through her hair.

Speaking if the devil, the ginger was on Max's lap, making out, showing an extreme amount of public display of affection. Max's eyes saw all of us staring at him and he winked at Barbara. Barbara and Bette were one of the popular ladies in our school, making them the boys in our school top-to-catch list. Barbara rolled her eyes at him and turned her attention to the newest girl, "Whose class is she in? She seems fairly lovely. She hasn't fallen for the Max Trap either, so this is rather interesting to see."

She had bright emerald eyes and her black and green framed glasses resting on her small nose. Her long, scarlet tied in a neat pony tail and her face void from any emotion as she had one of her hands in her pocket of her blazer and another clutching tightly onto a book called the Vampyre Lestat.

She was fairly short, a few inches taller than me but was noticeably unhappy unlike the rest of the ladies in the school. By the looks of it, she was completely hating the school and lost in her own world.

Secretly, I knew she was in my class, but when the teacher asked her to introduce herself, her hands were shivering and she dared not to speak. It was as though she was afraid to get picked on... She only said one word, which was her name, and went to sit down, without the teacher telling her to choose a seat.

"Mine." Groaned a red-head girl in their clique, Jessy if I wasn't wrong, "she's definitely the quiet one, I'd give you that."

"And she definitely has rich parents, by the looks of it. She's so quiet, when I brought her around the school, I was afraid she would break or something." said the 'student liaison' Bette.

"Dick, you're being awfully quiet." Barbara said, knocking me out of the trance of the new girl, "what's wrong?"

"She... looks familiar... I can't pinpoint where I've seen her..."

And it was true. I think I had seen her in the Wayne Manor before. I didn't recall when or where... One of Bruce clients? Or maybe the child of someone who works for Bruce? It seemed possible, but there was no saying for anyone, now is there?

"Perhaps you've seen her while on the streets." Barbara suggested.

"Yea... I guess... but... she would be mad to prowl along the streets if Gotham alone." I said, raising a brow, "this is Gotham man... the only city with the highest amount of criminals on the loose and ever non-stop escaping mad mans too."

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