1ºK O B R A

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      At this time where I stood my ground, I could only think of my past and not my future. 

You had held me on those not so well nights. The day I saw you was the worst day of my life. You also made it the best day of my life. I don't know what happened to you after the fires but I hope someday we meet again.

The clean, white metal pressed under his chin made my heart sink down to the pristine and sanitized floors. Lights shot from different directions, I managed to dodge most of them. I chased over to the evil Korse and shot countless of times at his heart. I felt a pain in my arm but I still continued to shoot.

I suddenly caught sight of the lifeless soul, slouched against the wall. Blood the color of his hair, poured out of him faster than I could've said his name.

I kept fighting till my dying breath.

The others were still shooting. All the passion and rage was to serve justice for our lost leader. To get revenge.

Unfortunately, as I had fought, I went down as well. I stumbled backwards and hit my head hard on the cool ground. Oh how it felt so good to just lay down. But I had to keep fighting. I couldn't.

My friends. My band mates. My comrades. What was left of them, they fled. The shortest of the three left, grabbed the girl and sent her with the other. This was a strange sight I've never seen of them.

By the time we all were ghosted, the girl was safe with the others.

The lingering thought kept nagging through me as I took my last and important breaths.

Will I ever see you again, friend?



Flashes of light began to course through my brain. A series of chills went through my arms and legs. My fingers began to twitch and my back began to ache. I suddenly heard a loud bang and many groans.

Cool metal was pressed against my throat and a gasp echoed throughout the room.

"Please no! Not Kobra!" I heard a voice in distress yell. Followed up was a sickening laugh, "Party, this can all be fixed with just a bit of information..."

I finally found the strength to lift my head. The sight in front of me was my brother, tied to a chair and tears in his eyes. "P-Party..?" I managed to squeak. The metal now pressed harder into my neck, "Well what do we have here? He does speak?"

"Get the hell away from him!" Party growled. Korse laughed, "Give me one of your fellow Killjoys names, then your precious Kobra won't die" he bargained. I could see Party go through a debate in his head. It was quite cliche really. Either kill me or give up information. I couldn't let him give any information though, "Party don't-"

"Gerard Way" he said.

I could hear Korse smile in his own twisted way. "And whom does that name belong to?" He asked. I couldn't let him say it, he shouldn't do this.

"Me" he said.

That is when I felt the metal leave my throat and blackness consume me.

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