CH 1

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"Kim will you please go out with us tonight? I promise you will have a ton of fun!" Sandra, my twin sister says. "Nope. I'm gonna catch up on some homework." I say not looking up from one of my nursing books. She huffed and grabbed her purse. "Will you at least take me and Cat to the bar and pick us up?" Looking up, she was making puppy eyes at me. "Fine" I say setting my book down. I stand up and walk over to the shoe rack and grab my slippers, slipping them on. "You're dropping us off in that?" Cat says walking down the hallway. I was wearing sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. "You can always pay for a taxi you know." I say slipping my slippers off. Sandra slaps her and says "No we don't care what you look like, right Cat?". Cat and I have never gotten along. I always thought she was a hoe and she always thought I was a prude. I look at her waiting for her to answer before agreeing to take them. "Fine just drop us around the corner." She huffs and walks to the door. I put my slippers back on and grabbed my keys and phone. We got into my kia and headed towards to the city. Knowing that Cat really did not want to be seen with me, I deliberately dropped them off up front, getting a death glare from Cat. Heading home, I decided I wanted some ice cream and headed to the small local market by our apartment. 

"Kimmy! How's the studying going?" Jimmy, the owner of the market asks when I walk inside. "Great but I want some ice cream and I think I'm gonna binge watch some True blood." I say walking to the back and looking for Ben & Jerry's brownie batter ice cream. Hearing the door open as I started walking back to the front, I see the gun pointed at Jimmy and I slowly and quietly walked back and hid behind the shelf. "As you can see my friend here isn't doing so well and I need some supplies." I hear the man with the gun say to Jimmy. "I have some first aid kits in the medicine aisle." I hear jimmy stutter out. "Show me." the man growls at him. I hear some shuffling and I slowly peak around the shelf and see a man sitting on the floor with blood everywhere on his right side. I quickly moved my head back and tried to keep my breathing quiet and to not cry. "Here. Please don't hurt me. You can take whatever you want. There's even a nurse here" I hear Jimmy say. "Get on your stomach." I hear the man say and some moving. Fuck Jimmy. What did you just do? Hearing the gun shot, the tears started pouring from my face. I close my eyes and pray to god the man didn't believe Jimmy and would just take what he wanted to and go. "Well well well. What do we have here?" I hear the man say and I open my eyes to find the man with the gun looking down at me. He points the gun at me and says "You must be the nurse he was talking about. Get up" he says pointing the gun at me. I shake and stand and he shoves me down the aisle. I couldn't stop the tears as we walked. When we got to the man that was bleeding, the man with the gun bent down and helped the man up, who growled and opened his eyes. "Who the fuck is this?" he manages to growl out. "She's a nurse and she's gonna help you now shut the fuck up Damon." he says pointing the gun back at me. He grabbed a bottle of alcohol off the counter and handed it to me. "Now let's go." He says pointing to the door. I started to move towards the door, trying so hard to focus on moving my feet because if I didn't I was going to fall. Stepping outside, there was a black suv that was running that I was told to open the door to and get in. Doing as I was told, the man with the gun set Damon in the car and handed me the first aid kit. He got in the front seat and said "Let's go." "Who the fuck is this?" the man says as we start driving. "We got lucky. She's a nurse." the man says pointing the gun back at me. "I'm a nursing student" I say trying to swallow the scared tone in my voice. "You still can help him. Now stop the bleeding until we can get to the house." he growls at me. I open the first aid kit and pull the gauze out. Moving towards Damon slowly, I open his shirt to find a gunshot wound and push the gauze to it, getting a loud growl from Damon and him grabbing my leg. He opened his eyes and says "You better help me" I didn't say anything and he closed his eyes and leaned his head against the window. He removed his hand from my leg, leaving it cold and the tingling disappear. I kept changing the gauze and the bleeding was not stopping. "I need you to pull over." I say as I was using the last gauze and the bleeding was just not stopping or subsiding. "Why?" the driver asks sounding pissed off and annoyed. "The bleeding isn't stopping or subsiding and I'm out of gauze. Do you have any matches or a lighter?" They both shook their heads and I said "Fine, don't pull over." I took my hoodie off, to which I was left in a white tank top with no bra. I switched the gauze out for the hoodie and the man with the gun just stared at my chest, which I tried to hide. I was already terrified and this wasn't going to help anyone. When we finally arrived at a huge ass mansion, Jackson pulled me out of the car and we followed the man with the gun and Damon. When we got inside the house, he laid Damon on the table and pointed the gun at me once again. "I need a needle with thread, small pliers and a very sharp knife." I was still holding the alcohol bottle and I set it down on the table and waited for what I asked. "Cassie! Bring me your sowing kit!" the driver yells. A small girl comes waltzing in with a tiny box and hands it to him. He kisses the top of her head and says "Ti am principessa" She looks up at him and smiles. "Ti amo papa". She scurries out of the room and he hands me the dainty box. Another man walks in with some pliers and a knife in his hands and shoves it to me. I take them and walk  to the other side of the table where the gun shot is. I finish taking the shirt off of Damon and immediately notice his tattoos and I know now that this was a dangerous man. "I need some towels." The man that handed me the knife and pliers disappeared and I looked down at the wound. I opened the bottle and began to pour it on the wound, getting a very loud growl and grip from Damon. When the bottle was empty, I grabbed the knife and opened the wound even more to get a better grip of the bullet. Finding it with my fingers first, I then took the pliers, inserted them into the wound and pulled the bullet out slowly, not wanting to hit or damage anything else any further. The guy came back and handed me a towel just as I pulled the bullet out. I placed it on the wound and cleared it a bit so I could close it with the thread. I took the needle out and attached the string and began to sow it up. When I was finished, the man with the gun helped Damon up and took him out of the room. The driver was still in the room with me, but didn't say anything. I sat down in the chair and covered my chest. The man with the gun comes back in and whispers something to the driver man before leaving again. "Can I go home now?" I say after another few moments of silence. He shakes his head and says "You need to go up in a few and keep an eye on him for the next few days." "My sister is gonna be worried about me. Can I atleast call her and let her know I'm alright and will see her in a few days?" he shakes his head again and says "You aren't leaving now shut up and just sit there." Doing as I was told, I sat there in silence. What felt like an eternity later, the driver man came back into the room and said "Let's go." getting up and following him, we walked out of the dining room and upstairs. The house was huge and well decorated with Italian memor. I followed him into a room where I found Damon asleep in his boxers on a bed. "There's a bathroom through that door and some clothes on a chair in there you are welcome to use. Don't take too long as you need to be keeping an eye on Damon. If you need to sleep, there is a chair or couch with a blanket and pillow on over in the corner." Before I could say a word, he left and closed the door behind him. Looking down at myself, I realized why he wanted me to take a shower. There was blood all over me. Stepping into the bathroom, I looked at the clothes on the chair and realized they were males clothes. I leaned against the wall and slumped to the floor crying. I'm never going home.

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