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Kimberly's P.O.V.

After Damon told me everything was I fine, I could he wasn't. He was bleeding and I was worried. After he shut the door, I heard something hit the door and jumped. I walked down the hall and up the stairs. I didn't want to continue to listen to whatever he was doing. I put my headphones in, turned on my music and began to study again. I kept hearing the loud bangs, even when I kept turning my music up. After there was no loud bangs, I take one of the ear phones out just as there is a knock on my door. Taking out the other and hitting pause, I walk towards it to find a very drunk Damon, leaning against the wall. He looks up at me when he hears the door and I can see the pain in his eyes. "What's wrong?" I say as I realize both of his hands are bleeding. He stammers and stands up to walk towards me. I can smell the vodka and whiskey on him as he gets close. "I'm bl-eeding" he stutters out lifting his hands up to show me. "Okay, let's go to the medical room." I say shutting my door behind me. At dinner, Charlotte showed me the room and how Damon had it all stocked up for me. He wraps his around my shoulders and I wrap mine around his waist, helping him walk. I'm surprised he even made it to my room by himself. The stairs were a bit difficult, but we eventually reached the bottom and made our way to the opposite end of the house. I unlock the room with my key and turn the light on. I sit him down on a chair that is next to the counter. I wash my hands and put some gloves on. I grab the alcohol wipes and some gauze. "This might sting a little" I say before wiping his hands. He growls at me and grabs my arm. I continue and only notice one of his hands needs some stitches. I grab the stitch kit and stitch the wound and wrap gauze around both hands. When I was done, I took the gloves off and washed my hands again. Turning back to Damon, he was staring off into space. I walk to the cabinet and unlock it taking out some antibiotics. I grab a cup and fill it with water and walk back over to him. He looks up at me as I hand him the two pills and the cup of water. He grabs them and takes them and hands the cup back to me. I throw the cup away and am suddenly wrapped in Damon's arms around my waist from behind. He has his face in my hair and I can feel the fire starting to warm through my body. "You are so beautiful." he whispers into my ear. He kisses my shoulder and then moves towards my neck, moving my hair out of the way. He nibbles and sucks on my sweet spot on my neck, and a moan escapes from my mouth. He makes his way up my neck and jaw and then turns me around to face him. He looks me in the eyes and then at my lips as if asking to kiss them. I nod and his lips are immediately on mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck, his around my waist as we made out. Pulling away, he rests his head on my forehead and looks me in the eyes. "Will you sleep with me again tonight?" he whispers. I think the only time I have slept in the bed given to me is the nap I took that first day. "Okay" I say. He smiles and fully stands. I still have to help him but this time, it isn't so hard to get him up the stairs and into his bedroom. I lead him to his bed and was going to go change into some pjs, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me in between his legs. Looking down at him, he was looking at the barely visible line of my stomach that showed through my tank top. Tracing his hand along the skin, it left fire everywhere he went. He lifted it up a bit and brought his mouth and kissed my stomach lightly. A moan escaped from my lips as he trailed kisses across my stomach. My hands were in his hair and he looked up at me and smiled. He let go of my wrist and stood up. He brought his hands to cup my cheeks and said "I'm sorry." Not saying anything he continued. "My sister seems to think the mafia is going to change you and I already love who you are I don't want all of this to change you." I tilt my head and look at him intently. His facial hair is starting to grow and he looks tired. "Can I change into pajamas?" I say trying not to cry. I'm tired of crying. He looks at me confused as if he wants me to say something but says "Yeah sure." I turn to exit the room, but before I do he says "You could just wear one of my shirts." I look back at him and he's lying down on the bed turning the tv on. I close the door and walk towards his closet. All of his t-shirts are folded neatly in a draw and I carefully search for one. I choose a black one and quietly undress. I also decide to grab a pair of his sweatpants. I wasn't too comfortable in just being in a tshirt around this man. I fold my clothes and set them on the dresser and walk out. He's leaning against the head board when I walk out. He looks at me and I could see the lust in his eyes. I cant have sex with this man. I don't even know why I agreed to sleep in the bed with him again. Walking to the other side of the bed, I sit down and bring myself to lean against the head board too and see that he has R.E.D the movie on. I could feel his eyes burning into me but I continued to keep my eyes on the movie. All of a sudden he hits pause and I feel his weight shift closer to me on the bed. I turn my head to look at him and he brings his hand to my cheek and says "I cant seem to control myself around you." I close my eyes and I feel his lips on mine, but lightly this time. It quickly turns into a hungry kiss and he lifts me and brings me to straddle him. I can feel his arousal and I can feel something burning at my core. His hands begin to travel up and down my waist until he brings them to cup my ass. I rest my forehead on his and try to catch my breath and my thoughts so things don't go any further. He brings one of his hand back up to my cheek and says "Do you not want to go any further?" I lift my head up and look down at my hands. "I've never been with anyone." I say so quiet, I was hoping he wouldn't actually hear. He brings me chin up and says "Then we can wait until you're ready." He's actually willing to wait until I'm ready? "What is this?" I blurt out before I can stop myself. We look into each others eyes and don't say a word. Not knowing what to do as I am still straddling him, I begin to move off of him, but he grabs my leg and brings it back down. "I don't know. I'm not good with relationships." he says stroking my leg. I bite my lip and look down at my hands. We both stay quiet until there is a knock at the door and I move off of him. Jackson opens the door and says "Cassie really wanted to give everyone a hug goodnight." Cassie comes bouncing into the room and skips over to the bed and hugs Damon. "Goodnight Uncle Damie." she gives him a kiss on the cheek and then crawls over him on the bed to me and wraps her arms around my neck and squeezes. "Goodnight Kimber. I love you." those words made my heart swell. "I love you too Cass." I kiss her forehead and Jackson helps her off the bed. "Goodnight you guys." "I like that. Kimber." Damon says as soon as the door is shut. I lay my head into the pillows as he hits play on the movie and the next thing I know, I'm fast asleep.

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