CH 2

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Stepping out of the shower, I heard a noise outside of the bathroom and wrapped the towel closer against my body. I walked over to the chair and tried to quickly put on the sweatpants and long sleeve t-shirt on. Towel drying my hair, I opened the door to find Damon sitting up against a pillow and cursing at the television. Noticing me, he hit pause and said "What the fuck are you doing in here and in my clothes?" Looking down at myself, I felt like I was going to pass out. "Hello? Are you deaf? Answer me" He says again in a deeper tone. Looking up at him, I open my mouth to speak but before I can, the man with the gun does for me. "She's here to look after you and since we don't have any clothes for her, I didn't think you would mind letting her use yours." He growled at the man and said "God damn it Jason. I don't need someone looking after me and I certainly don't need this piccola cagna watching over me." "I'm not a small bitch thank you very much" I say interrupting the death glares between the two men. They both looked at me in shock. "We live in Boston, you really think I haven't picked up on Italian?" Where did this sudden confidence come from? One minute I'm being a baby and the next I want to punch the man. "Well I still don't need a god damn babysitter." he says gruffly at me. "It's not like I want to be one but your friend over there didn't give me a choice." I say pointing to Jason. Damon looked back at him and Jason shrugged. "Well what else would you like me to do with her? She can help you and then we can get rid of her." Get rid of me? Why the fuck can I not go home? Damon looked back at me and said "Fine." Jason looked at me and turned and walked out of the room. "What do you mean get rid of me? Like I get to go home?" I question him dropping the towel from shaking. He laughed and said "You aren't going home. So get that thought out of your head." Hearing those words, I couldn't move and it felt like I couldn't breathe. "Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna get some sleep?" he says looking down at the empty side of his bed. "Hell no. There is no way I'm sleeping in a bed with you." I walked over to the couch in the corner of the room and spread the blanket down. I laid down and pulled the blanket on me and faced the couch so I wouldn't have to look at Damon. "You're really gonna sleep at the shitty couch when there is a perfectly good bed right here?" Damon says hitting play on the tv again. 

"The hunt is on for Kimberly Nicole, a 22 year old nursing student who disappeared just a few hours ago at a local market. The owner was shot and killed and no one has seen her since. If you know the whereabouts of Kimberly please call the local hotline." I hear the television say. "What time is it?" I ask Damon sitting up after not being able to fall asleep for awhile. "5 am." Damon says flatly. Rubbing my face, I stand to go to the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I splash my face with cold water. Drying it, I look at myself in the mirror and I look like complete shit. My hair was everywhere, my face looked blotchy from crying and I had dark circles under my eyes. Walking back into the room, Damon had laid down and fallen asleep. Deciding that the couch was very uncomfortable and I really needed some sleep to try and figure out what exactly was gonna happen to me. Slowly climbing into the bed as to not wake Damon, I put a pillow in between us and climbed underneath the covers. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.

Waking up I heard talking and I decided to not move or make it seem like I was actually awake. "Well we can't just let her go home. She's seen too much." a male voice says. "Well we aren't gonna kill her. She saved my fucking life god damn it and she could be an asset." Damon says. There was a pause and then "Well you get to be the one to tell her. She's got a bit of a mouth on her." the other male says. I hear a door shut and some movement on the bed and I take this time to wake up. I sit up and yawn. "Well well I guess we decided it was okay to sleep in the bed with the big bad guy after all." he says chuckling at me. I glare at him and walk to the bathroom. I pull my hair up into a messy bun with the pony tail I always wear on my wrist. Walking back out, Damon was trying to stand. "What are you doing? You're still weak" I say walking up next to him. He was already standing and good lord the man was tall. He glared down at me and said "I don't need a short woman helping me stand" He tried taking a step before failing and I grabbed his arm. He once again glared down at me and said "I need to use the bathroom. You are more then welcome to watch." I smacked him and I started walking him towards the bathroom. When we got there, I walked him to the toilet and went to leave the room when he said "You really don't want to stay? What if I fall?" "Then you fall" He didn't like that answer but he went to the bathroom and when he was done, I walked him back to the bed. I sat down in the chair in the corner and looked at the television and saw my name and photo. "Can you turn it up please?" I say to Damon wanting to hear what the lady was saying. He groaned and did as I asked. 

"We have Kimberly's sister here who would like to make a statement for her sister..

"Wherever you are Kimberly I really hope you are okay. You're my best friend and I love you so much. Please just come home or who ever has her, please let her come home. She is gonna be an amazing nurse and she's almost finished with school. Please just let her come back to me." 

The tears were flowing down my face, and I didn't think they were gonna stop. Damon changed the channel and said "I didn't realize you were a twin." "You don't know anything about me." I respond trying to push back the tears. Damon didn't answer. He just left me be. I grabbed the decorative pillow and brought it to my chest and just cried trying to control my breathing. A little while later, Damon turned the tv off and said "We need to talk." I didn't say anything, I just continued to try and control my breathing. "You're gonna stay here. You've seen what happens and I need you to help us." "Us?" I ask. I still hadn't been able to figure out what all of this was. "My dear,  I am a leader of the largest Italian mafia and you are about to be induced to it." 

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