Chapter 2 - Hand In Hand

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No matter that you anticipate a thing; you get so used to it as a part of the future that its actuality, its arrival, its force and presence, starles you, takes you by surprise, as would a ghost suddenly appearing in the room wearing familiar perfume and boots. One of the characteristics of the dream is that nothing surprises us in it. With no regret, we agree to live in it with strangers completely cut off from our habits and friends. They may turn out to be a great disappointment, or perhaps they may be full of enchanting surprises.

The clean, fresh air circulated quickly around my nose. I closed my eyes and just stood there in the peaceful countryside. Nathan wrapped his arms around my waist before gently laying his chin on my shoulder. His breath tickled the hairs on the back of my neck. He began to kiss my neck softly, each kiss causing the flutter of butterflies in my stomach. 'So you decided to kidnap me and bring me to the pier? How romantic' I whispered turning to face him. 'I wanted it to be a surprise and anyway I didn't exactly kidnap you baby, I just blindfolded you, tied you up and brought you here in the van without telling you. Forgive me baby?' he asked with puppy dog eyes. 'How could i ever be mad at you? I love you more than anything, you mean the world to me Nathan James Sykes' I smiled leaning in for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I laid my hands on the back of his neck. He swayed gently from left to right, refusing to take his eyes off mine even once. 'Have I ever told you that you have the most amazing green eyes I have ever seen?' I asked. 'My eyes may be amazing but I'll never be half as amazing as you' he whispered. 'You're a little charmer Nath, did you know that? What have I ever done to deserve someone as wonderful as you?' I asked. 'I should be the one asking that question' he laughed. 'Now close your eyes and don't open them until I give you the all clear, okay?' I hesitantly closed my eyes remembering all the trouble we used to get up to as children at the pier. One of his hands drifted slowly to my hip where I laid my right hand, while his other hand was trapped under mine on my back.  

'We're taking a left in just a second' he warned as we began walking slowly. I began to get tense once the gradient began to get steeper. Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you baby girl' he whispered as I planted my foot on softer grass. 'Please no Nathan please don't take me onto the foreground, you know what happened there the last time' I whined. 'We'll only be there momentarily' he whispered. The air was filled by the groans and whispers of the other boys. 'Tom I swear if you hurt me, I will kill you' I shouted. The mumbles were replaced with laughter as Nathan guided me into the mud beside the shore. 'Okay open your eyes beautiful' he whispered standing behind me as his hands snaked around my waist. 'A boat?' I laughed. 'Whats this for?' I asked trying to stop myself from cracking which was hard. 'We're going to use it to get to the other side' he mumbled. 'The cave' we spoke in unison. 'You know me too well Nath' I smiled kissing him. 'Here take my hand' he offered before I took his hand. He guided me down the river bank. 'I'll make sure you don't fall' he whispered.  

He lifted me onto the small boat barely big enough for the two of us but it didn't really matter though as the journey was only a short one. We used to swim across as children as neither of us owned a boat. 'Its been a while since we've been here' I recalled as he paddled across slowly. 'Thank you' I smiled as he guided me by the hand out of the boat onto the solid rock of the cave. 'Wow' I gasped taking in the sight in front of me. A row of pink candles light up the interior of the normally dull cave, a pink picnic blanket lined the floor, and white rose petals were generously scattered around. 'You did all this?' I asked in awe. 'Being in a boy band has it advantages, the boys helped a lot, although it was all my idea. I know how much this place means to you, how much it means to both of us, so I wanted to bring you here' He took me by the hand as we sat down parallel to one each other. 'About a year ago, I came home after our tour of America for a two day break. This was the first place I came. It was here I discovered my real feelings for you. Three days later, I finally told you how I felt, how I still feel about you and look where we are today; almost a year together with a baby on the way. I couldn't be happier' he admitted the tears gently falling down his cheeks. I gently wiped his tears with my thumb before wiping my own. 'You're so sweet Nathan. I love you' I whispered. 'I love you too Lex' he replied. 'Come here to me you' I laughed opening my arms for a hug. 'I have something to give you.' He pulled out a small black box with a sparkly diamond ring inside. 'Its not an engagement ring, but a promise ring. We've only been together a year but we've known each other all our lives and I don't want things to change. I want to spend my life with you and no one else. I can't imagine my life without you. I want us to go through everything together. Hand in hand we will walk together, we can make it through the stormy weather. I'll be your personal soldier. We could rule the world someday somehow, but we'll never be as bright as we are now. You're the one I want, the only one I'll ever want' he admitted. He slipped the silver band on my finger before kissing me softly. I'm speechless. That was so beautiful Nath' I whispered trying to find my voice. 'Come on babe lets go home, I have another surprise for you' he announced. 'What is it?' I asked excitedly. 'It's a......... surprise!'


HEY! Sorry if the grammer is bad, I had to update from my phone because the mouse is playing up on my laptop. Anyways tell me what you think below, and whether I should continue or not! As you may know I'm back to school tomorrow (Wednesday) so I may not have time to update. I will manage to update somehow even if that means getting up at 5am every morning to finish homework so I can update at night.  Oh and the paragraph at the start is kinda pointless! I just liked the quotes in it!

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Hand In Hand We Will Walk Together - Nathan Sykes (My Heart Takes Over Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now