Chapter 5 - Registering The Baby

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There was a time, I used to look into my father's eyes, In a happy home, I was a king I had a gold throne, Those days are gone, now the memories are on the wall, I hear the sounds from the places where I was born,

Up on the hill across the blue lake, That's where I had my first heartbreak, I still remember how it all changed, My father said, "Don't you worry, don't you worry, child See heaven's got a plan for you, Don't you worry, don't you worry now" Yeah!

"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child, See heaven's got a plan for you, Don't you worry, don't you worry now" Yeah!

There was a time, I met a girl of a different kind, We ruled the world, I thought I'll never lose her out of sight. We were so young, I think of her now and then, I still hear a song reminding me of a friend,

Up on the hill across the blue lake, That's where I had my first heartbreak

I still remember how it all changed, My father said,, "Don't you worry, don't you worry, child, See heaven's got a plan for you, Don't you worry, don't you worry now" Yeah!

Oh, oh, oh! See heaven's got a plan for you, "Don't you worry, don't you worry, child, See heaven's got a plan for you, Don't you worry, don't you worry now" Yeah!

Oh, oh, oh, oh! Yeah!

Has there ever been a time in your life when you thought that your life is/was too good to be true? That all of a sudden, everything could come crashing down around you? Every day I pinch myself and think ‘wow Nath, you have everything, money, fame and most importantly a gorgeous girlfriend who adores you.’ I knew things were too good to be true and I always convinced myself that at any moment, we would be dropped by our record label, our album would flop or Lex would leave me for someone who actually deserves her. I never imagined that I would be sitting at Lex’s bedside as she lays there unconscious, all because of me.

The memory of the accident flashed upon the inward eye. ‘I brought the car to a halt as the car in front stopped when the traffic lights turned red. Alfie slid along the back seat, letting out a little bark. He began barking furiously, showing his hyper side for the first time. He continued jumping around the car as I put my foot down on the clutch, moving the car into first gear again. ‘Alfie stop it!’ Lex demanded but this time he wasn’t obedient. His tiny body jumped into her lap, but he didn’t stay there for long. That’s when it happened. He jumped into my lap, causing me to jump with fright and lose concentration. Not realising that the car in front stopped, I slammed the breaks last second, sending us flying into the car in front. Lex moaned from the pain caused by the whiplash.The force of our car sent both cars flying out onto the crossroads, in the path of the other cars. As Lex screamed, yet another car at top speed jolted into us, causing my head to spin. I groaned and screamed her name. I spotted the stream of blood down her leg, worrying me to the core. Something inside me was telling me that they was something wrong and for some reason, I believed it was to do with the baby. I grabbed her hand as she begged me not to leave her, I begged her not to leave me. She tensed up before passing out.

The sweat dripped from my brow thinking back at it. I tensed up even more as the doctor entered the room. He carried a clipboard close to his chest, as he watched her attentively.

‘Have you any news?’ Tom asked, standing up from his seat in the corner.

He hesitated before answering. ‘We have some news, yes and it’s not good I’m afraid. Alexandra has lost the baby. She was too small to survive the impact of the crash but she’s with better people now and Alexandra herself has some swelling to the brain. We have to wait for it to go down before we can tell if there is any major damage done’ he explained.

‘It was a girl?’ I asked sitting up in my seat.

‘Yes, we need you to sign some forms so we can fill out the birth and death certificates’ he mumbled before exiting the room.

The thought of it sent a shiver done my spine. I had just killed my daughter. The tears streamed down my face as I held Lex’s cold hand in mine. Her body was pale and cold, not like her usual self. Her faced was decorated with red scars where the patches of blood once lay. Her head lay bandaged as she remained asleep beside us. Even though she was scarred and broken, she looked as beautiful as ever. She looked so peaceful. I felt so guilty.

‘Mate, I think you should go meet with the doctor. You need to sort out those forms. You need to do it for your daughter’ Tom whispered laying a protective hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at his glistening eyes. Out of all of us, Tom was probably the least likely to express his feelings through tears. It’s rare that Tom cries and when he does, it must be big. I scrunched my nose, before standing up leaving an imprint on the chair behind me.

‘If you’d like to follow me this way Mr Sykes’ the doctor mumbled, floating through the hospital corridor to his office.

White painted and tinted mirrors lined the three walls, which were joined by a large glass wall occupying one full wall. His certificates lined another.

‘Is she going to make it?’ I mumbled as he had his back to me.

He rummaged around his filling cabinet for some paper, before turning to face me with a grim expression. He didn’t need to answer to question for me to know what was happening.

‘She has a good chance of survival’ he answered causing my head to shoot up like a gun, but he wasn’t finished yet. ‘But she’s not out of the woods yet. She’s in a coma, a deep one at that. If she survives it then she will definitely live. We just need to make sure she does’ he explained.

Lex’s safety is only a wish of mine, but it’s something we can pray for. Life would be perfect if: sweatpants were always sexy, junk food was healthy, nothing was regrettable, Mondays were fun, girls weren’t confusing, drama didn’t exist, goodbyes were only meant until tomorrow and wishes came true.

‘I know it’s going to be hard for you to fill these out without Alexandra, but it has to be done. We can’t delay it. A small funeral can be arranged at a later late if you wish though’ he whispered laying the papers down in front of me.

The doctor was right, it was hard to do but there was one thing that was easy; her name. Harper Alexandra Sykes.


I'm sorry the last few chapters have been awful :(

Rachael xx

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