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All Maya wanted was to have a day where she didn't have to think about superheroes, aliens, or the Battle of New York. She just wanted a day of peace where she could be a normal girl. But that was kind of hard to do when her father was Iron Man and everyone knew it.

Sometimes she wished her father hadn't told the world he was Iron Man. Then maybe her classmates would be bugging her about how much money she had instead of asking if she could bring Thor to class one day.

It was the last class of the day and Maya has thankfully been able to get through the day with only a few questions about her father and the rest of the Avengers. It's not that she didn't want to talk about them. Maya just didn't want to be reminded of the battle or the fact that all of her friends had left.

She hadn't heard from Thor and Liv since the battle and Steve had seemed to drop off the end of the earth three months ago. As for Natasha and Clint, Maya saw them every once in a while for a monthly training session. Finally there was Bruce and Emily. Maya talked to them quite a bit, but they were so busy preparing for their wedding that was only a few more months away that they barely had the time to call unless it was to ask if she thought they should use one color thing over the other.

Then there was her father, but that whole situation was one that the two had been avoiding.

Maya let out a sigh as she plopped down into her chair in her final class for her day. Due to the fact that she didn't live on campus and Pepper has dropped her off for the day, Maya was early to class. She took the time to begin working on the homework she had due at the end of the week, but she had only gotten through a few questions before she was suddenly swarmed by her classmates.

"Maya, does your father know about the video?"

"Do the Avengers know?"

"Are they on their way to fight?"

"Are you going to go too?"

Maya blinked in surprise and looked at the kids who were all surrounding her. "What video?" Maya asked confused. "You haven't seen it yet?" a boy asked. Maya shook her head before a phone was suddenly shoved in her face.

She leaned back a little to get a better look at the screen and was about to make a comment about personal space when another kid hushed her. Maya frowned and almost said something, but got distracted by the video that had begun to play.

The first thing to pop up on the screen was what Maya assumed was a flag or a logo. There were ten small circles placed to make a larger circle around a pair of two swords. In the back were a bunch of colored stripes and there seemed to be some language written inside the circles that Maya couldn't understand.

The screen flickered again and it changed to a man who was walking down a line of frightened men who were on their knees. The man wore sunglasses and looked at the group of men with a blank expression before turning and walking away.

"Some people call me a terrorist."

Guns were shown before the sound of gunfire filled the air and the men dropped to the ground dead. The man didn't even seemed phased as he continued to walk away.

"I consider myself a teacher."

Images of America flashed on the screen before the man's face appeared again.

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