Chapter 37

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GuQingPei didn't go out during the weekend and YuanYang didn't come to harass him.

His body was uncomfortably sore. After the over-indulgence, the only thing that remained is the time it would take to fully regain his energy. As much as he didn't want to admit, he knew that his current physical strength comparing with the youthful and powerfully strong YuanYang, the difference is far too great.

YuanYang, this little bastard is almost like a beast in bed, his physical stamina is........

GuQingPei didn't want to think about it anymore. The more he thinks, the more his thoughts will be skewed.

He continued to follow up on the legal case of XX city by phone. The lawyer from the legal case was hoping that he would be able to come to XX next week to meet up with a leader and push for a quick verdict as soon as possible, just in case that undue delays may cause problems.

The company that is in legal dispute with them is said to have a strong local backing and might possibly have connections to some gang-related organizations so they are anxious to get the verdict as soon as possible, afraid that the other side would catch wind of the rumors and cause trouble before the verdict. Dragging this on any further will be only be detrimental to them.

GuQingPei thought about it and called Zhang Xia to book him a flight ticket.

Seeing that the end of the year is fast approaching and he had been in the company for three months, he was desperate to prove that he could help the company bring in profits, so as to justify to the person who pays his salary.

On Monday morning, he thought YuanYang would not come to pick him up for work so he deliberately went out twenty minutes early to beat the crowd (hailing for taxis). He had set aside this time.

But when he got downstairs, YuanYang had already been waiting. GuQingPei didn't expect YuanYang to come so early.

YuanYang also didn't expect GuQingPei to come out so early. He furrowed his brows upon seeing him, "You fucking got down so early, are you trying to hide from me?" Because of his matters with GuQingPei, he was depressed for two days. He always wanted to go to GuQingPei but he felt stuck in a pit.

GuQingPei looking down on him made him so angry that his chest trembled.

Fortunately, he, YuanYang, would not be whatever people say of him. In his eyes, GuQingPei belongs to him. No matter how GuQingPei wants to fight it, this fact can't be changed.

GuQingPei glanced at him, "I'm not that stupid." After saying that, he opened the car door and got in.

After YuanYang got in the car and sat in the driver's seat, he turned his head to looked at GuQingPei, "So why did you come down so early."

"To get a taxi."

YuanYang was angry, "Aren't you doing that to hide from me?"

"No, I didn't think you would come."

"Why wouldn't I come, did you think I was afraid of you? "

GuQingPei glanced at him, "Talking to you is really tiring."

"Then don't talk," YuanYang roughly slammed onto his chin and intensely kissed his lips.

GuQingPei was too lazy to resist.....after all, the taste of kissing is really not bad.

YuanYang fully tasted him over and over again before reluctantly letting him go.

GuQingPei licked his kissed swollen lips, "Kissing skills is fine."

YuanYang snorted, "I need to leave my taste on your body. Slowly you will remember it."

GuQingPei laughed, "Leaving your taste? Why don't you just piss on me?"

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