Chapter 41

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The two men arrived in XX city on Thursday. XX is a prosperous coastal city with a well developed economy and a high number of skyscrapers.

Lawyer Zhao from the representing case's law firm personally arranged for a driver to pick them up at the airport and take them to their hotel.

Lawyer Zhao booked two rooms for them. The three of them discussed business matters late into the evening in GuQingPei's room, talking about the key points from the progression of the case. They were preparing to meet with some of the leaders from the judicial system referred by Lawyer Zhao.

It wasn't until 10pm at night that Lawyer Zhao left.

YuanYang didn't plan on returning to his own room. He naturally stayed in GuQingPei's room.

After GuQingPei took a shower, he checked all the relevant documents on his laptop and took care of some other business matters. He had endless things to do and even though it is hard work, he enjoyed this kind of fulfillment.

YuanYang came out of the shower and saw that he was still staring at the laptop screen, "It's already 11 o'clock, you're still not sleeping yet?"

"I still have to take care of a few things," GuQingPei responded with his slender fingers pounding on the keyboard.

YuanYang added, "I've thought about it carefully. Although the vice president promised to sign the papers, he must be under tremendous pressure as the head of the provincial bureaus. I'm guessing that he didn't want to offend both sides so he initially disagreed, but is now forced to by us. But, whether he will really sign in the end is still a problem."

GuQingPei nodded, "When it will be signed is a troubling matter. If this keeps dragging, the verdict won't come and we'll still incur losses. We need to find the leader and keep pressuring him for a quick verdict. Only after the verdict is decided can this case be considered settled."

YuanYang climbed in bed and actually used his head to push the laptop off of GuQingPei's lap. Then he put his head on his thighs, "This will be resolved. I'm still waiting for you to give me a bonus."

GuQingPei smiled, "It's good that you remember it. If this is not taken care of, I won't even give you a dime."

YuanYang scoffed, "If you don't give me the money, I'll just continue to eat and sleep at your place."

"You really have no shame to say that."

YuanYang wrapped his arm around GuQingPei's neck to lower his head; then kissed his lips.

GuQingPei allowed YuanYang to kiss him for a moment. Then patted his face, "We still have meetings tomorrow, let's sleep."

YuanYang sat up, looking at him with his big tail wagging, "You don't want to do it?"

"Do my ass, what time is it? We still have work to do tomorrow."

YuanYang was quite disappointed. In the end, he finally fell asleep; however, his hands and feet weren't behaving so it wasn't until after 1 am that GuQingPei could finally sleep.

The next morning at 10 o'clock, they met with the leader of the provincial bureau in a secret cafe and carefully communicated the progress of the case. The situation is still in their favor and the outlook seemed optimistic.

They invited the leader for a meal. Afterwards, Lawyer Zhao had a commitment to attend and had to leave first. GuQingPei and YuanYang rushed back to the hotel. In the taxi, they received a phone call from Lawyer Zhao. He informed them that the other party has now submitted a reconciliation request. However, GuQingPei was dissatisfied with the proposed terms so he had no intentions to negotiate with the other party, instead he will continue to suppress the terms.

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