Chapter 55

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YuanYang woke up before dawn.

He has a habit of getting up early to go running so his body would naturally wake up at this time. But the feeling of holding GuQingPei in his arms felt so good, so warm and so comfortable; his nose is full of GuQingPei's scent, his cheeks nestle against GuQingPei's warm skin. This kind of tightly snuggled feeling allowed him to clearly show his ownership of this person. He was reluctant to get up.

He used his nose to nudge GuQingPei's neck; his hand to gently stroke his back. It would be great if GuQingPei could just continue to sleep in his arms. At least he won't have to hear the things he don't want to hear.

With his gentle movements, GuQingPei still woke up. He squinted his eyes and said hoarsely, "You're awake? What time is it?"


"You going running?"


GuQingPei strenuously closed his eyes and then opened them, "I... I have to go back to the guest room."

YuanYang muffled, "Doesn't matter if you go back or not."

"What are we going to do if the housekeeper sees us so early in the morning?"

"What is there to do?"

GuQingPei whispered, "Are you drowsily confused? We're at your family home, your parents can find out any time."

"So what if they find out?"

Once these words were out, the both of them were stunned. The room became unusually quiet.

No one knew what would happen if they were to be discovered by his parents.

YuanYang could say this sentence with an indifference attitude. But not GuQingPei. He was trembling with fear just thinking of the consequences.

YuanYang was also shocked at himself for saying this sentence. He never thought of letting his parents know of his ambiguous relationship with a man. Not that he was afraid but just thinking of their reaction made him feel troubled.

But if this person was GuQingPei, so what if they found out? Maybe if everyone knew, then GuQingPei won't be able to go back on his words and willingly be with him forever.

He didn't know why he would have such an idea. He obviously knew that this kind of thinking is absurd and wrong but he couldn't control himself from thinking about it.

He swung his head and got off the bed. Wearing his clothes as he uttered, "Get up, I'll take you back to the guest room."

GuQingPei led out a sigh of relief as he silently got out of the bed and got dressed.

YuanYang saw through his 'did not want to get involved with him' attitude. He quietly tightened his clothes.

The room arranged for GuQingPei was next door to YuanYang's room. After YuanYang took him back to the guest room, he went to go running.

When GuQingPei returned to the guestroom, even though it was only a little past 5, he still couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard he tried. In fact, he is obviously very sleepy, not just from the busy work in the last few days but also the sex from last night was thoroughly exhaustive. He should be able to sleep with his eyes closed, yet he couldn't sleep at all.

GuQingPei is a person who is especially sensitive to his surroundings; if the environment is unfamiliar, the feeling isn't right, the mattress too soft and the pillow too high, all of these things would make it difficult for him to sleep. But, the most important thing is that there should be a person next to him and this person isn't there.

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