Chapter 70

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After returning to the hotel, YuanYang anxiously took out his cell phone to call GuQingPei.

The call quickly connected, GuQingPei's faint voice sounded on the other end, "YuanYang."

"Where are you? Are you finished meeting with WangJin? You didn't go out with him? You're already home?"

"I'm done eating with him then came home."

YuanYang displeasingly groaned, "What did you guys talk about?"

GuQingPei forcefully smiled, "YuanYang, you don't need to check up on us, just one of you is already tiring enough for me, I'm not in any mood to entice anyone else."

YuanYang was silent for a moment, "After you leave the company, have a good rest. Wherever you go, I'll go with you."

GuQingPei sighed, "You won't be able to. Just do what you need to do."

"I just want to follow you or you follow me."

"YuanYang, you can't possibly follow me, I also won't follow you. If you don't mature soon.... I can't take care of a child all my life."

YuanYang's heart momentarily feel pained, "You only need to stay in a place where I can see you. That is enough. I will definitely make you look at me with admiration."

GuQingPei was silent.

YuanYang pressed the phone close to his face, as if doing so he will be able to get a bit closer to GuQingPei, whispering, "I miss you."

GuQingPei covered his eyes. This feeling of loneliness and helplessness....can really break someone's heart. With his voice hoarse, "Where are you going?"

"I'll be back tomorrow after taking care of some business."

"What time tomorrow? How about I make curry crab for you?"

"Maybe at night. Okay. That sounds delicious."

The two are just like any ordinary couple, endlessly talking about things that didn't mean anything and had no specific reasoning, merely just exchanging a phone call to discuss what to eat for dinner. They didn't mention the pressure from each side, as if these obstacles did not exist.

It's that simple.

Only GuQingPei understood that after the holidays are over, they should end it.

After hanging up the phone, GuQingPei looked around the empty room. He had never felt that he had so much time.

When he thought of himself being out of work (unemployed) soon, there are many things that don't need to be rushed. He won't need to work overtime nor participate in giving gifts for the holidays, or even meet up with clients. Actually, right now, he doesn't even know what to do with himself.

Looking at the time, the supermarket should not be closed yet. He decided to go buy some ingredients to make a good meal for YuanYang tomorrow.

This is the supermarket that YuanYang and him usually shops at. Pushing the cart through the aisles and rows of shelves, seeing some of the snacks, he would think of YuanYang. These are things that he never eats but YuanYang loves to eat them. When he got to this isle, he stopped the cart and unconsciously dumped all the snacks that YuanYang usually likes to eat into the cart.

The supermarket is about to close; there are very few people around. GuQingPei subconsciously turned back and looked at the rows of empty shelves that are behind him, all the items on these shelves, looking so very isolated, waiting for people to buy.

But there is no one.

GuQingPei hands were trembling as he gripped tightly on the cart's handlebar. He never felt so lonely.

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