Epilogue 3: Being Each Other's Support (END)

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The company had been very busy recently with the bidding of a municipal project. As the company's bosses, YuanYang and GuQingPei obviously haven't had any rest for a long time.

YuanYang felt heart-ache for GuQingPei having to stay up late and attend all the social engagements so he basically took all the work he could and did all the drinking in GuQingPei's place. GuQingPei was also not willing to see YuanYang looking so tired so the two men often got into disputes over their attempt to allow the other person more time to rest.

On this rare day, they managed to complete a phase of their project. For the first time ever, they didn't have to work overtime nor were there any social engagements so they could actually go home for dinner. They were thrilled. After work, they conveniently went to the supermarket to buy some groceries, fully intending on spending a night belonging to just the two of them.

However, GuQingPei realized that YuanYang had been a little absent-minded all day, not looking too spirited. When he (GuQingPei) spoke to him, he was often distracted and was even tailgating other cars when driving on the road.

"YuanYang, what's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" GuQingPei stretched his hand out wanting to touch YuanYang's face.

YuanYang evaded without a bit of hesitation, "I'm fine. It's likely from sleeping late recently. I'll be fine after some rest."

GuQingPei sighed, "Yeah, we've been staying up very late. After we're done with this project, let's take a vacation and have a good rest. Money is not everything, we can't just risk our health anymore."

"Aiyah." YuanYang laughed lightly, "These words actually came out of workaholic Director Gu's mouth? I thought I had to wait at least another 30 years."

GuQingPei smiled, "After being with you, my way of thinking has changed a lot. Career is no longer the priority of my life."

"Then what is it? Me?" YuanYang blinked at GuQingPei.

"Family." GuQingPei revealed a contented smile, "A family with you in it."

YuanYang's eyes glimmered affectionately, the warmth in his heart brimming fully, "You're right. We should change the routineness of our lives... Fuck, why is it that the way I talk now is so refined? It's all from being infected by you. "

GuQingPei laughed, "You should thank me."

After getting home and changed, YuanYang went to cook in the kitchen. GuQingPei planned to take a shower and then come out to help him.

When GuQingPei came out of the bathroom and walked to the kitchen, he saw YuanYang's two hands gripping the table, standing still.

"YuanYang?" GuQingPei's heart thumped as he quickly walked over and supported him, "What's going on with you? Are you..." When he touched YuanYang's skin, GuQingPei's heart tightened, "You have a fever?"

YuanYang looked at GuQingPei hazily, "Can't be, right? I'm just a little sleepy."

"You have a fever!" GuQingPei said angrily with remorse, "I've been with you for an entire day and actually didn't realize it. Why didn't you say anything?!" He dragged YuanYang to the sofa and sat down.

YuanYang was not in the least bit concerned, "I have a fever? No way, right? I haven't been sick for a long time, my health is really good."

"Does having good health mean that you won't get sick or have a fever? You're not made of iron." GuQingPei touched YuanYang's forehead, it was already burning hot. His brows creased deeply, "What is wrong with me, how could I not have realized it at all...?"

YuanYang took his hand and smiled, "You've also been very tired recently. If there's that chance, you'd close your eyes to rest a bit. How could you be as sharp as when you're full of energy? It's not your fault."

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